Chapter 17

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Few days later, it was a weekend. Yoona was weak and in pain.

Sehun called by in the morning to tell Yoona to get ready because he wanted to bring her out for breakfast. He realized Yoona sounded weird. Her voice was cracking. Instead of getting breakfast outside, he let Granny cooked porridge and brought it to Yoona's house.


Sehun came in looking very worried. He sat beside Yoona on the bed.

"Are you okay? How do you feel?"

"Don't's just stomachache..."

"Stomachache? Food poisoned?"

" happens every month..."

Sehun nodded, finally understood what she meant.

"Do you have medicine for that?"

"I finished it last month and forgot to buy it again..."

"It's okay. I'll buy it for you. I brought porridge, eat it when it's still hot."

Yoona opened her arms wide for Sehun to carry her. He lifted her up like a princess and put her gently on the chair at the dining table.

Sehun fed her patiently. After 30 minutes, she finished her food.

"Yoongie, I'm going out to buy your medicine. I told Jaehyun to come over to take care of you for the moment."

"Okay...thanks Sehunnie..." She smiled weakly.

"Anything for my princess." Sehun grinned and stroked her hair.


"Seems like he's here." Sehun muttered. He got up and opened the door.

Jaehyun was standing right there with a big smile on his face. "Hyung! Where's noona?"

"She's in the living room."

They went to the living room just to see a sleeping Yoona on the couch.

"She just finished the porridge. Take care of her, I'm going out. I'll be back in a flash." He patted his shoulder and left the house.

Jaehyun sat beside Yoona on the floor. He stared at her and admired her beauty.

"You really made my hyung fall deep in love." He muttered. "Thank goodness it is you, not the other kind of woman."

"Thank you for making him happy. Thank you for changing him." Jaehyun smiled and played with her hair.


Sehun entered a convenient store. Girls in the store were swooning over his handsomeness. Without caring about them, he started his search for the medicine Yoona told him. After looking around finding the familiar looking box Yoona showed him earlier, he finally found it. He took a few boxes, some to put in Yoona's house and some in his house just in case she is staying there.

He put it into the basket he was holding and continued to stroll the convenient store. Soon, he saw something that caught his eyes.

Sanitary pads.

He wondered, does she have enough of it? Should I buy some for extra?

Eventually, he took one pack each with different sizes and put them in his basket.

While queuing up the line at the counter, people around him looked at him with weird looks. Well, of course it's weird. A handsome young man buying sanitary pads and menstrual pain medicine, what a scene.

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