Chapter 16

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-Republish- cause apparently some of you can't see it (?)
Please let me know if there are any more problems! Don't think that you will cause me trouble, I'll be glad to help! :)


While Sehun was packing their luggages, Yoona was sitting on the bed.

"Oppa..." She had never called him like that and with such tone before.

He furrowed his eyes before turning around. "Something wrong?"

She opened her arms wide and her lips were trembling. She was trying to fight back her tears. Sehun was flustered. He immediately approached her and hugged her.

"What happened to my princess?" Sehun asked worriedly while wiping off her tears on her cheeks.

"I...will" She muttered.

Sehun felt relieved and he smiled. Thank goodness it was just that.

"Cutie pie, I can bring you to vacation whenever and wherever you want. Don't cry."

"Really? But you're busy." She looked down.

"I'm never busy when it comes to my lovely girlfriend." Sehun smiled and carressed her head.

Yoona grinned widely and hugged him tightly. Finally, her precious smile appeared again.


Thanks to Tao, there were a few security guards to help out Sehun when he reached the airport. The security guards pushed a luggage trolley and approached Sehun. After a guard put the luggages onto the trolley, Sehun let Yoona sit on the luggages, then kissed her forehead and stared at her adoringly.

The security guards that watched the whole scene can't help but to adore the cute couple. The crowd that had already gathered around them a while ago due to their good looks, started shrieking and 'aww'-ing.

Yoona was so embarrassed, she covered her face in her palms while Sehun pushed the trolley with the security guards beside them.

"Who are they?"

"They are so good looking!"

"Are they popular? Are they idols?"

People around them started gossipping about the couple. Although Oh Company is a famous company, but only Sehun's father had shown his face to the authority. The new CEO's face was still a mystery to everyone, which was why it was private and confidental term to their company's workers. Hence, less people know about his identity in Oh Company. The couple were thankful of that as so they could move more freely no matter where they go.

Sehun saw Yoona staring somewhere. He followed her gaze and it landed on a shop.

Baskin Robbins ice-cream.

"Yoongie." He trailed off. She looked up to him.

"Do you want it?" Sehun asked smiling.

"What?" She was confused.

"Ice-cream." He smiled.

Yoona blushed and immediately refused. "It's okay, Sehunnie. Let's go."

Sehun glanced at his watch and looked at her. "We still have some time, so let's go. Ice-cream! We're coming!"

Yoona widened her eyes when she realized Sehun was pushing the trolley towards the ice-cream shop. She giggled when Sehun was being childish cheering for ice-cream. Previously, Sehun only shows his childish side to Granny as he needs to act like a big brother towards Jaehyun. Now he has Yoona, he shows his childish side to her too. He is totally a 4 years old child living in an adult body.

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