Chapter 21

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Few days later, Sehun's parents finally arrived to Seoul.

Sehun told his parents he wanted to introduce his girlfriend to them, making them excited and happy. For the first time, their Sehun ever mention a girl in front of them, even telling them he's going to introduce.

As soon as Mr and Mrs Oh landed safely in Korea, they can't even wait to go home.

"My sons!" Mrs Oh shrieked when she entered the front door of their house.

Jaehyun came running towards them and hugged them tight, "Appa! Omma!"

Whilst Sehun as usual, coolly walked towards them, "Appa, omma. We miss you so much." He smiled his brightest.

"Aigo both of you had grown up so much!" Mrs Oh can't help but to pinch her sons' cheeks.

"Now where is that girlfriend of yours? Hmm?" Mr Oh smirked.

"Oh! Yes yes! Where's Yoona?!"

"Appa! Omma! Yoona noona is very kind and pretty!" Jaehyun chirped in.

"Even Hyunnie likes her. You have a competition." Mr Oh joked.

"Appa! Of course I won't court my hyung's girlfriend. Hyung is going to chop me into pieces by the way how much he loves her."

Earning a smack on the head by the said person, Jaehyun only growled in pain.

"Yoongie will be having dinner with us tonight." Sehun changed the topic. "So let's go have our lunch first."


"Sehunnie, I'm so nervous." Yoona admitted for the nth time.

Sehun turned to look at her. He held onto her hands firmly and stared at her.

"You will be fine, Yoongie. My parents will love you as much as I do."

"What if they don't?" Yoona lowered her head.

Sehun lifted her chin up to meet his eyes, "Then I will try my very best to make them love you."

Yoona felt her heavy heart somehow got lifted a little. "Thanks Sehunnie." She finally smiled.

He reflected her smile, "Now is my baby ready?"

"I guess so." She puffed her cheeks.


"YOONA NOONAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Someone's shriek echoed the whole house as soon as they entered the house.

"Yah your father might have a heart attack!" Jaehyun was smacked on the head once again but this time by his father who was originally watching a movie.

"Hyunnie, I think even the next neighbourhood could hear your screaming." Mrs Oh who came out from the kitchen exclaimed.

Jaehyun's pouty face earned a chuckle from a certain girl. Everyone turned to the source of giggles and found an unfamiliar girl standing next to Sehun.

Sehun who saw everyone's gazes landing on his girlfriend, immediately start the introduction.

"Appa, omma, this is Yoona, my girlfriend. Yoongie, this is my appa and my omma."

"Annyeonghaseyo Mr Oh and Mrs Oh." Yoona bowed 90 degrees politely.

Mrs Oh gasped, "Hunnie! You never told me you have such a beautiful girlfriend!"

"I told you she's pretty!" Jaehyun cut in.

Everyone ignored his remark.

"Please take a seat!" Mr Oh said.

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