Chapter 9

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Yoona woke up with a huge headache. Massaging against her temples, she sighed. She blurly remembered some parts of last night's incident, but as she gathered them all together, as if she solved a puzzle, she palmed her face and regretted so much.

How the 2 men approached her, they played the game, they kept making Yoona drink, how she became more and more tipsy. Although she was drunk, but she remembered how Sehun appeared and punched them, how Jongin, Jessica and Kris came over, and how Sehun brought her home. She blushed deep red in embarrassment when she recalled how she seduced Sehun, by skin-ship and moaning. Despite Sehun loves her, he calmed her with hugs and soothing words in this situation, instead of making love with her. After that night, she knows that Sehun is the man that she could trust and count on.

"Yoongie?" A voice brought her back from her thoughts.

She looked and saw Sehun awake, his dark circles darker than ever. Sehun kept waking up in the middle of the night just to check on Yoona, to make sure that she's fine.

Yoongie, this sounds so sweet.

Yoona grinned at him, a sincere one. "Sehunnie..."

Sehun helped her sit up. "I like that nickname." He giggled. "Are you feeling well?"

"I'm having headache..." Yoona said.

"I'll go cook food now so you can have some medicine."

Yoona grabbed Sehun's wrist before he could leave, he turned and looked at her.

"I want to go too...I'll change first...please wait for me outside..."

Sehun took some clothes from her cabinet and put it on her bed before he left the room.

"I'm done now." Yoona called from the inside.

Yoona slowly stood up, but she was too weak. The drug from last night was just too strong and too much for her.

Sehun saw her having a hard time, so he put Yoona's arm around his neck and he lifted her up bridal style. She felt her cheeks burning hot.

" didn't have to do this..." Yoona said still blushing.

"Let me, Yoongie. I want to take care of you."

Yoona buried her tomato red face on Sehun's chest, preventing him to see it. He smiled secretly adoring the cute girl. He gently laid Yoona on the couch at the living room and passed the TV remote to her. Then he went to the kitchen to start cooking porridge.

After 30 minutes, the porridge was done. He went to the living room and saw Yoona sleeping on the couch peacefully.

Sehun sat down on the floor beside Yoona, playing with her hair. He stared at her, admiring her angelic face lovingly. The world is blessed to have a living angel like you.

He wanted to admire her face longer, but for now he can only wake her up and feed her, for her to get well soon.

"Yoongie." Sehun called softly. She fidgeted for a while. "Yoongie, wake up."

She slowly opened her eyes and blinked a few times. "It smells so nice..."

Sehun helped Yoona to go to the dining room.

"I'm bad at cooking, it might not taste good though." He admitted with a frown.

"I will finish it no matter what..." She smiled and Sehun grinned.

After Yoona finished her food and had her medicine, she laid on the further couch in the living room as the medicine started to knock her down.


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