Chapter 25

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The next morning, Yoona woke up with an aching body.

"Urgh..." She groaned when she felt so sore.

A pair of eyes immediately opened and stared at her upon the unpleasant whimpers.

"Gwaenchanhayo?" Sehun asked in concern.

Yoona nodded but her expression said otherwise.

Sehun hugged her warmly, "I'm sorry for hurting you so badly. I promised you that I will be gentle and yet I still hurt you."

"It's not your fault, oppa. I wanted it too."

Sehun grinned and caressed her head, "Yes you gave it to me and I promise to not let you regret."

Yoona giggled and hugged back her fiancé.

"Where do you want to go?" He touched her cheeks.

"But my body hurts." She said softly in disappointment.

"It's okay about that. We can just go to a shopping mall then you can sit in the trolley and I'll push it."

Her face brightened, "Really?"

"Anything for my jagi." He smiled.

"Do you have anything you want to do?" Yoona pouted.

"Hmm..." Sehun started thinking. "I've always wanted to watch a sunset with you."

Yoona beamed widely, "Let's go to the beach this evening and watch it together then!"

"Are you sure you're okay with it? We can watch it in Seoul too you know." He said concerned about her sore body.

"I have you with me and that's fine for me." She giggled cutely which Sehun pecked her cheeks in return.


"Faster Sehunnie!"

"It's already the fastest!"

"I know you can go faster oppa!"

"You'll get hurt!"

You thinking wrongly huh? You perverted mind readers!

Yoona was in the cart and Sehun was pushing it just as he suggested earlier.

They were playfully pushing it all around earning attentions from other people.

Sehun smiled brightly when he heard his love one squelling all excited like a little girl in the cart.

"Jagiya, do you have any cravings in mind?" He asked as he looked through the menu in front of the restaurant.

Yoona is usually excited and happy when it comes to food, however at that moment he didn't hear an answer. He turned around and his heart melted.

She fell asleep in the cart with her lips pouting and head above her folded arms on her knees.

Sehun turned back to the waiter, "I'll have a spaghetti carbonara and a grilled lamb chop. Take away please."

After he took the food, Sehun pushed the cart to the parking lot.

"Yoongie..." He slightly caressed her head. "Wake up..."

Yoona rubbed her eyes and looked up to meet Sehun's adoring gaze.

Smiling at him, "Oppa..." She extended her arms out, asking for a carry with her puppy eyes.

Sehun's heart melted for the nth time.

He pulled her up and carried her bridal style into the car. Buckling up both of their seatbelts, Sehun started the engine whilst Yoona continued her beauty sleep.

Once they reached the beach, Sehun turned around and stared at his sleeping beauty.

I'm so lucky to have you.

He placed a kiss on her forehead, nose, both of her cheeks, and lips, then repeated it until she woke up.

Yoona whined lazily and stretched her body, "Sehunnie..." Then she closed her eyes again making Sehun looked at her in disbelief.

"Yoongie...we're at the beach." He shook her arm.

Her eyes suddenly opened widely, "Sunset?" She asked excitedly.

Sehun chuckled and nodded.

"Kaja oppa!" She turned around to open the door but only to find out the car was locked.

Yoona turned to Sehun and found him smirking at her.

"Oppa, I thought you said you want to watch the sunset with me? I think we should go now." She pouted nervously.

"Yeah we should." He wrapped an arm around her waist and the other hand on the back of her head, "Not before this."

Sehun crashed their lips together. Yoona gasped but nontheless kissed back.

"Mmm..." Yoona moaned against the kiss when she felt Sehun's hand trailed along her sides and squeezed her waist.

They pulled back and Sehun chuckled at Yoona's pinkish swollen lips because of his hungry kiss.

Another few minutes of making out in the car, they finally got off.

Yoona placed the mat on the sand while Sehun placed the food he bought in the shopping mall.

They sat there for a few hours, having each other side by side, watching the sun set and disappear in front of them. The sky was getting darker every minute.

"Another thing from my bucket list is ticked."

Yoona who was laying her head on Sehun's shoulder, looked up at him and asked, "Bucket list?"

"Yup." He smiled at the sea in front of him. "I have a whole bucket list to complete with you."

"Like what?"

"Watching the sunset with you, going to a faraway vacation with you, snorkeling with you, parachuting with you, marry you, living together with you, making love with you, having babies with you, accompanying you in the delivery room while you give birth..." Sehun almost choked on his saliva when he came to realization on what he said.

He glanced at Yoona and saw her smirking at him. "Making love with me is in your bucket list huh?"

Sehun's face turned deep red like a tomato, "W-well...I-I-I...uh..."

He was lost of words.

Yoona pulled him by his waist, "How many times are you expecting we'll do?"

"W-what?" He stuttered. "O-oh...uh...a-at least...m-more than once...?" A lump travelled down his throat. "I want many little Sehunnies and little Yoongies running around the house."

"If that's the case..." Her mouth trailed off as her finger trailed on his clothed abs at same time. "Let's have a second time when we reach home." She smirked as her husky voice said near his ear.

Sehun stared at her with wide eyes, "W-w-what?"

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