Chapter 13

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Early in the morning, Sehun and Yoona were getting ready for the business meeting.

"Yoongie! Are you ready?" Sehun cooed with a gentle voice from the connected door.

Suddenly the connected door swung opened which startled Sehun.

"Ohmygod, Yoongie!" Sehun shrieked holding onto his chest.

"HAH! That's what you get for scaring me last night." She giggled in victory.


"Yoongie!" Sehun called. Yoona who was looking at the baby crabs at the shore, looked at Sehun. They were at the beach.

"Come here, Yoongie." He gestured and Yoona came. "Look at that." Then he pointed far away.

There was a white cloth fluttering around. It looked like it's walking. Sehun knew it was just a puppy but he planned to trick her.

Yoona widened her eyes in horror. "OHMYGOD SEHUNNIE WHAT IS THAT?!" She shrieked.

"Nah maybe it's just a kid." He shrugged.

"No, Sehunnie. It doesn't look like one.''s g-gho---"

Sehun secretly took a ghost mask and put on.


"AHHHHHHHH!!!" Yoona screamed.

She looked at Sehun irritated. She chased him around and splashed water on him.

--End of flashback--

"But I apologized already." Sehun whined.

"Sorry doesn't work on me." Yoona said playfully.

"Oh really? Then does this work on you?" Sehun grabbed Yoona's waist for her to face him and he kissed her on her lips.

Yoona widened her eyes shocked, but she kissed back anyway.

After minutes, they pulled back and Yoona blushed deep red.

"Let's go now." Sehun carressed her head and exited the room with their intertwined fingers.


Sehun and Yoona entered a building, along with the other colleagues following behind.

Yoona didn't want to intertwine their hands together when they entered the company because she thinks that there's no necessary to put personal affairs into business matters.

Although they weren't holding hands and Sehun wasn't hugging her waist, he still walked beside her closely, instead of walking in front like a boss with the secretary behind him.

A man approached them, "You must be Mr Oh."

"Yes, I am."

The man kept glancing at Yoona who was observing the building area. Sehun started to get annoyed.

"I am Mr Kim's secretary, please follow me, Mr Kim is waiting in the meeting room."


"Mr Kim, Mr Oh is here."

They entered the meeting room, meeting everyone's gaze. There were other company representatives but Yoona was the only lady in the room. Both of them bowed and greeted everyone politely.

Sitting down on their respective seats, Sehun noticed everyone's gazes were on Yoona. She was wearing a sleeveless dress and the cutting of it reveals her body curves.

Throughout the meeting, Sehun saw everyone, including Mr Kim, kept taking glances on Yoona. Sehun also saw that she was uncomfortable with their stares.

Being the gentleman and protective boyfriend he is, Sehun took out his coat and put it over Yoona's shoulder. She looked at him.

"Don't worry, I'm here." He whispered, squeezing her hands under the table.

After that, he glanced at them coldly and expressionless.

You could say that the meeting ended smoothly, but Sehun was definitely irritated.

"Hope to work with you soon, Mr Oh. And who's this beautiful lady?" Mr Kim asked. And this question didn't help Sehun become less irritated at all.

"This is my secretary, Yoona." Sehun paused. Mr Kim was about to extand his hand for a handshake or maybe to flirt with Yoona.

"And she is also my girlfriend." He continued while shooting him his cold stare.

Mr Kim raised his eyebrows, "Ah, nice meeting you, Yoona." He awkwardly withdrew his hand and just stood there greeting with an awkward smile. Yoona bowed slightly.

"Once again, hope to see you soon, Mr Oh." Mr Kim greeted.

"Likewise. Now if I may excuse myself, I would take my leave for now." Sehun said.

He wrapped his arm around Yoona's waist protectively and they exited the building, leaving Mr Kim dumbfounded.

Once they left the building, far enough for Mr Kim to eavesdrop, Yoona broke the silence.

"What was that for, Sehunnie? I saw him trembling." She giggled.

"It's all because of you, Yoongie. You're too pretty and sexy for everyone."

Yoona felt her cheeks burning. She tried to hide it but eventually failed.

"Awww my girlfriend is blushing." Sehun teased.

Yoona pouted and smacked Sehun on his arm playfully.

Suddenly, Sehun grabbed Yoona's waist and pulled her closer, making her body slapped against his body. Yoona widened her doe eyes and gulped.

"Did I scared you?" Sehun realized Yoona froze. He looked at Yoona in her eyes and carressed her cheek still hugging her waist tightly.

No response from Yoona.

Then, Sehun pecked her lips softly. "I'm sorry, but I can't promise there's no next time. Your shocked reaction was so cute." He grinned.

Yonna hit Sehun more on the arms.


"Sehunnie." Yoona called.

They were in Yoona's room, sitting on the bed together side by side. Yoona was reading a book while Sehun was looking at his phone.

"Why?" He turned to her.

"When is our next business meeting?"

"Well... actually we only had one business meeting, that had already ended." Sehun admitted.

"What? But we're staying for 5 days, today is only the second day."

"I have something to do for the next few days too, Yoongie."

"Okay." Yoona muttered unsure, but she just let it slide for the meantime.

An hour later, Sehun fell asleep while facing Yoona on the bed. She wanted to wake him up but she ended up letting him when she saw him sleeping so peacefully and stress-free. She glanced on the space between them and saw his phone still brightened. Picking up his phone, Yoona saw his conversation with Tao, talking about cancelling the few meetings that was supposed to happen on the next 3 days. She just shrugged and locked it then put it on the table next to him. Maybe he has more important things here in Tokyo. Lying beside him, she made sure to cover Sehun fully inside the blanket before kissing him on the forehead.

In the middle of the night, Sehun woke up and realized he was still in Yoona's room. He looked around and saw the cute sleeping Yoona. She was crouched up like a ball and cold as ice when he touched her arm. Sehun immediately hugged Yoona and covered themselves with blanket. Yoona felt the sudden warmth and snuggled into Sehun's chest.

Sehun kissed her forehead and smiled, "Sleep soundly, my precious princess. Tomorrow will be a long day." He muttered and fell asleep.

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