(M) Chapter 24

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!! Warning: sexual content !!

Yoona brought Sehun's other hand to her bare stomach under her shirt and placed her owns on them.

"Mmm..." She let out softly as she felt the warmth from Sehun's palms on her stomach.

While tracing circles using his thumb, he then found out that Yoona wasn't wearing any short all the time. One of her leg was bent, she was only in her thin cotton singlet and lacy panties. The view of her soft thighs only turned him on more.

Sehun hesitantly brought his other hand down to her thighs. Gently laying a touch, he just couldn't help but went to her inner thigh and cup a full palm. He anticipated her reaction, which she rubbed her thighs together in return.

The hand that was once on her stomach, had its own mind trailing up. It stopped in front of her breast, and he started by gently pinching her nipples. A breathe escaped Yoona's lips. Sehun gently groped a full breast, and he heard a soft moan from her. Giving her breast a massage, he heard audible pleasuring sighs.

He knew she was fully awake when her hand went behind her and put her palm on his thigh. Yoona was actually anticipating on whats happening. She caressed his thigh only to find out that he built a tent underneath. Sehun flinched at her sudden touch, but it gave him the courage to bring his hand to her womanhood.

Sehun cupped her clothed entrance fully and Yoona moaned softly. He placed wet kisses on her nape, left hand on her breast whilst right hand on her womanhood. They were in spooning position and Yoona clearly felt Sehun's bulge on her ass cheeks.

His hand went under her panties and he rubbed her entrance. Yoona's moans got louder. Slowly, Sehun entered a finger into her clit. He was welcomed by warm wetness and tightness.

She is wet for me.

Sehun had a small smile. He started pumping in and out of her clit, careful not to hurt her. Yoona flinched at first, but eventually turned to pleasures when Sehun hit her g-spot.


"Hmm?" Sehun continued massaging her breast while fingering her.


With that, Sehun stopped and turned her around, made her face him.

Full of concern was on his face, "Did I hurt you? I'm so sorry, I was so into my own world--"

"Aniyo..." She cut him off and shook her head. "But...make me yours..."

She palmed his clothed member, "Let's make love."

Sehun almost choked. He stared at her while her hands were still on his member. It was already forcing itself to jump out from his boxers and shorts.

Yoona used her leg to caress against his thigh and she saw how Sehun's breathing fastened.

"S-stop joking, Yoongie." He chuckled awkwardly. Gently pushing her hand and leg away, "I might really do it if you continue."

Without warning, Yoona turned Sehun around. She was on top of him. Sehun widened his crescent eyes as he stared at Yoona. His legs were in between hers and he clearly felt her entrance on his crotch.

"Do it then." Her husky voice said.

Sehun turned them around, making him on top of her.

"I don't want to hurt you if you're not ready."

"I am ready, oppa." She caressed his abs. "I want you to make me yours."

"You're turning me on so much, Yoongie. Do you kbow how hard is it to resist you?"

Without waiting for her answer, he already crashed his lips to hers. Sehun kissed her hungrily and with full of lust. His hand moved to the hem of her singlet and swiftly brought it off her head. Sehun leaned away to admire her body. The night stand was the only source of light but he could clearly see her only-panties-on body.

Sehun felt his crotch got more hard and swollen.

"You're so gorgeous." He exclaimed softly.

Yoona blushed at his compliment, "Stop staring at my body!"

Sehun chuckled. He took off his shirt, revealing his perfect abs and wide shoulders. His boxers and shorts were also removed together.

Yoona gulped when she saw his swollen bulge.

I don't think it could even fit.

His hand went to her panties, he swiftly removed the last piece of cloth on her body, exposing her womanhood in front of his eyes. He stared at her, earning a nod from the latter.

"Just scratch me okay? I am sure it will hurt. I promise you I will be gentle." He pecked her forehead lovingly.

Yoona nodded, melting under Sehun's soft and gentle voice.

Sehun gently spreaded her long legs wider and massaged her inner thighs. She moaned when his tip touched her entrance.

Loud groans echoed through the room when Sehun entered his member into her. She held onto his shoulder tightly while Sehun massaged her breast and pecked her lips to calm her down.

Minutes later after Yoona adjusted, "Oppa...move please..."

Sehun started with slow thrusting into her.

"Argh...Yoongie...you're so tight..." He groaned in pleasure.

"Ah~ Sehunnie~ Ppalli j-juseyo~"

The more he thrusted, the faster he went. Sehun lowered his head and sucked Yoona's nipples, earning loud moans from her.


Everytime she called him oppa, Sehun couldn't help but feel so turn on.

He held her waist with his left hand and massaged her breast with another. Yoona reached out for Sehun's abs and touched them.

Half an hour later, both of their cums dripped from Yoona's clit.

Sehun collapsed onto her tiredly as his hands were still groping onto her breast.

Turning around onto the bed, he wrapped his arms around her torso and pulled Yoona closer to his body then covered both of them under the blankets.

He massaged her thighs for her to relax and made hickeys on her bare shoulder in adoration. His gentle and loving touch melted Yoona's heart.

"Goodnight, jagiya. Thank you for everything, I love you so much."

"Goodnight...I love you too...hope you have a sweet dream about me..." She muttered tiredly in Sehun's warm embrace.

Everything I have with you now is already like a dream to me.

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