Chapter 18

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"Why do I have to wear this?" Yoona furrowed her eyebrows.

"I suddenly want to see you wear it."

Sehun and Yoona were on the phone. Work ended early that day. Sehun brought Yoona home early and told her to dress up nicely because he wants to bring her out for dinner.

While Yoona was looking through her clothes, Sehun suddenly called by and told her to wear a certain tshirt. She was curious on what was going on in the little head of her boyfriend.

"I'll reach in 15 minutes, Yoongie. Be sure to wear that shirt, see you."

"Okay, see you soon Sehunnie." She frowned.

Sehun was smiling widely, turning around, he met a suspicious look from his brother.

"You became so creepy since you met Yoona-noona, hyung. Now I can't choose whether is it a good thing for you."

He rolled his eyes on him, "You're just jealous, Jae."

"Jealous your ass, hyung. The girls in line wanting me could be from South Korea to The States!"

"Then why don't you have one now? Oh and I know I have a nice booty."

"After I met Yoona-noona, I just feel she is so perfect that I can't find someone like her anymore." Jaehyun spatted back, fidgetting his fingers, ignoring the booty statement.

However, Sehun inwardly smiled. He never knew his brother is so fond of her. Jaehyun was always picky towards his brother's admirers. He always wanted the best for his hyung. Now that Sehun knows they get along well, he was happy and glad.

"Jae, you will find the girl you love one day, just like your hyung." He patted his shoulder and lightly squeezed it. "But it doesn't mean you could find now. Focus on your studies, you brat!"

Both of them laughed and Sehun left to Yoona's house.



Yoona went to the door after she wore her shoes. She was shocked when she saw him.

He was wearing the same shirt as her!


"I secretly bought it when you were changing." He smiled.


After Yoona entered the fitting room, Sehun immediately went back to the clothes section. He took the largest size of the shirt and put on himself then looked at the mirror.

"I think I could fit in..." He mumbled to himself.

Without hesitating anymore, he put it on the counter. "Please don't let my girlfriend know or see it, I want to give her a surprise."

That's so sweet.

"As you wish, sir." She grinned.

After Yoona came out, Sehun paid for them and ta-da, he bought themselves couple shirt, without Yoona knowing.

--End of flashback--

"Why didn't you told me earlier?" Yoona puffed her cheeks.

"Then it wouldn't be a surprise anymore." He smiled. "Come on, Yoongie. We have a date to catch up."

Sehun dragged her to the car and they left to the shopping mall.


"Sehunnie, there's so many people here today..." She muttered under her breath. Never in her life she saw so many couples in the shopping mall.

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