Chapter 19

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"W-what..." He stuttered.


"What happened?!" Sehun exclaimed while rushing towards Yoona, kneeling beside her.

Yoona was sitting on the bed. An unfamiliar man was kneeling in front of her treating her wound.

"I fell down and scratched my knee..." Yoona pouted.

Blood was overflowing from her knee.

"So you are Sehun?" The unfamiliar man trailed off.

"Yes. And you are..."

"Im Siwan, Yoona's older brother. Just call me hyung will do." The latter smiled.

"Ah..." Sehun stood up and bowed. "Nice to meet you, hyung."

"No need to be so formal, Sehun. Well I'll pass this to you. I need more sleep." He yawned. "Sorry for frightening you, baby girl. Do well in work." Siwan kissed her forehead and left the room.

After Siwan left, Yoona smiled at Sehun awkwardly.

"I'm sorry for my brother. He just came back from The States without even informing me."

"Why are you saying sorry?" He carressed her head.

"I don't want you to misunderstand. I'm afraid you'll thought I'm with another man behind your back." She flashed her puppy eyes on him.

"I never misunderstood anything. I knew you will never cheat on me, Yoongie." He kissed her cheek. "Now let's treat this wound of yours."

Sehun gently put antiseptic on her knee. He saw how Yoona's face crumpled because of the pain and he wished it was him who was in pain. She bit her lower lip when Sehun bandaged it.

"Thank you, Sehunnie."

Sehun kissed the bandage on her knee and she chuckled heartedly.

"Let's go now." She tried to stand up.

"Where do you think you're going?" He pulled her back.

" work?"

"Oh no, Yoongie. You ain't going anywhere today. I'm not going anywhere too instead of staying with you."

"I could stay here, but you need to go to work, Sehunnie."

"Nope and that's final. I'll buy breakfast for you."

After he placed Yoona in a more comfortable way, he left the room.

Suddenly a head propped from the door.

"What does Siwan-hyung likes to eat?"

Yoona giggled. Cute. "He isn't really picky when it comes to food, but I don't think he'll be getting up early. He still has jet lag."

"Okay then. I'll see what I can buy for him. Rest well. I'll be back fast."

Yoona let out a sigh as she lied against the headboard of the bed.



"Oppa? I thought you slept?"

"How could I sleep when my baby girl's boyfriend is here?"

Yoona blushed at the address.

"I can see he's a good boy, as you told me through the phone before. Does he treat you well?"

"Yes oppa. He treats me very well."

"He panicked so hard when he saw you hurt. He seems to care about you a lot."

"He took very good care of me and he is very protective of me."

Siwan chuckled. "And I see that you love him very much."

"Very much, oppa. But I'm afraid that appa won't like him. You know he is always overprotective of me." She frowned.

He patted her head adoringly. "Don't worry, baby girl. I'm sure appa will approve him."

Soon, they heard noises from the door.

"I'll carry you down."

"It's fine, oppa, I can help my--OHMYGOD." She was lifted up.

"You became lighter again. Why do you have the power everyone yearns to have?"

"As if it's a good thing." She wrapped her arms around Siwan's neck and rolled her eyes at him.

"Of course it's not, duh."

"Oh hyung! I thought you're asleep!"

They turned to the voice.

"How could I sleep when someone is being lovey-dovey with my baby girl, Sehun-ah?" He stifled a laugh.

Sehun instantly blushed crimson red. Yoona was enjoying the scene as she loves to see the shy Sehun.

"I bought you food too, hyung. Let's eat!"

"Really? What did you buy for me?" Siwan sat next to Yoona as soon as he put her down on the chair.

"Just some Korean food. I heard that you came back from The States. You must be bored of fastfood. I thought that maybe you'll miss Korean food a lot."

"Ohmygod Sehun, I see now why my baby girl is so fond of you. I might fall in love with you too. I'm so touched I might cry a Han river. Perhaps do you like man?"

"Goodness oppa, what on earth are you talking about?" Yoona almost choked on her food. "I'm so sorry, I guess his brain was left in The States." She told Sehun.

He laughed hard at the bickerings of the siblings. Sehun was glad that despite they stay far away from each other, they're still so close in heart.



He looked at the latter.

"Please be good to my baby girl. Appa and I always treated her like a princess, but she always wants to be independent and stay in Korea to work on her own. We can't visit her frequently and take care of her properly. I trust you to protect her."

"Don't worry, hyung. I treat her like my princess. I want to take care of her and protect her at all cost for my whole life, if she lets me to." He smiled sincerely.

"1 more thing."

Sehun stared at him, gesturing him to continue.

"I like you."

Sehun widened his crescent eyes at him.

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