Chapter 7

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It had been 2 weeks since Sehun officially started being Yoona's private driver and bodyguard.

Everyone in the office already got used to the scene with Sehun and Yoona together and they totally adore them.

Sunday morning, Yoona decided to go to Yuri's house to have some girls talk, catching up with each other, which they do it at least once a month.

"Sehun, I'm going to Yuri's house in the afternoon."

"I'll drop you off then."

Yoona already got used to telling Sehun where is she going, and Sehun would try to fetch her or drop her off.

"Okay, thanks." She grinned.

Sehun ruffled her hair and smiled at her.

"So what are you going to do there?" He asked while eyes on the road.

"Some girls talk." Yoona giggled.

"Okay." He chuckled. "What time do you want to come back? I'll fetch you."

"Hmmm..." Yoona acted like she was thinking.

"Just give me a call and I'll be there." Sehun glanced at her and smiled.

Yoona's heart raced. Not so fast, heart.

"We're here." His voice brought her back from her thoughts.

"Thanks, Sehun. I'll call you." She hugged him and exited the car.

Sehun grinned widely. He watched how Yuri and Yoona was so happy to see each other and they hugged so tightly.

After seeing them entered the house safely, Sehun drove off.


"How are you two going on?" Yuri wiggled her eyebrows.

"Who two?"

"You and your lovely boss. I saw that he brought you here."

"Oh him? We're in great terms."

"Do you like him?"

Yoona raised her eyebrows and looked at Yuri. "I like him as a friend."

"Stop lying, Im Yoona. I know you. Moreover, even if you like him only as a friend, I can feel see that he likes you not only as a friend."

"He likes me only as a friend." She assured.

"Friend your butt. He treats you so special."

"Well he did saved me from 3 men when I was alone on the streets."

Yuri's eyes widened. "Really? When and where?"

"About 2 weeks ago, I went out for supper and was surrounded by 3 men on a street. I ran away and got tired then suddenly a hand grabbed me into a narrow valley to hide, it was Sehun."

"Why was he there?"

"He said he was at a shop nearby."

"Wow, what a coincidence." Yuri rolled her eyes.

Yoona knew what Yuri really meant and she rolled her eyes at her.

"Let me guess, now he brings you everywhere you want to go."

Yoona looked up at her. "How did you know?"

"Gosh Yoong, you're so dense."


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