Chapter 22

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"Ohmygoodness! Is that really you?!" Mr Oh's voice echoed the whole room.

Mr Im raised his eyebrows at him.

"You bastard, you can't remember your own best friend? I'm hurt!"

Sehun and Yoona chuckled at their fathers' behaviour, they were acting like teenagers.

"Yah what if it wasn't me? Have you forgotten our promise?"

"Of course I never forgot about it, but I wanted Sehun to have the girl he loves. We shouldn't force people who don't love each other to be together, right?"

"You got that right. I wouldn't let my princess marry a man she doesn't love or vice versa."

"It's really destiny that our children met and so in love with each other!" Mr Oh exclaimed excitedly. "Yah you two little chipmunks, did you know I know Mr Im all along?"

Sehun only grinned sheepishly.

"You little rascal. No wonder Yoona kept a secret about the job." Mr Oh said but he laughed anyway.

The two families chit-chatted for a few hours. It was a reunion of the two old friends as well as meeting each other's family. All of them were happy for the couple.

"When should their marriage be?"

With this, Sehun and Yoona immediately stared at their fathers with wide eyes.

"What? It's about time! I want grandchildren!"

"Appa!" Yoona whined shyly.

"Okay okay, marriage first."

Sehun gripped onto a particular item in the pocket of his jeans.

They shouldn't be talking about this, what can I do now...


"Sehunnie, can we go take a walk?" She pouted.

"Where do you want to have a walk?"


Sehun smiled and ruffled his girlfriend's hair, "Alright, buckle up."

Thank God she's the one who requested to have a walk.


Arriving by the beach, Yoona observed the area. It's quiet as it's already late at night.

"Yoongie, I forgot to take a jacket from the car, I'm afraid it would be cold. Stay here and don't move, okay?"

"Be fast, Sehunnie."

He immediately ran off to his car.

Suddenly, a plastic bag was thrown out of nowhere, catching Yoona's attention. She looked around and slowly walked to the direction.

There isn't anyone though.

Finally noticing, she gasped loudly, "Ohgod."

 "I love you, Im Yoona

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"I love you, Im Yoona. I love you with all my heart. I know I haven't really did anything as a good boyfriend, I know I'm still lacking. I want to thank you for always staying by my side. I'm a newbie to relationships, and you accepted all my flaws. You taught me how is it to love someone, and you showed me how is it to be loved. You let me know how life is like when you have a bunch of friends to hangout with. 'I'm so proud of you' and 'You are my pride' are the things you always tell me when I'm stressed or out of the mood. But I wanted to tell you that it's you, Im Yoona, you are my pride. People always say that I'm very successful just in such a young age. They never know my secretary is my role model. You are the most hard working secretary I've ever had. You can basically just take over one of your father's companies, but you rather be independent and earn money on your own. Despite you're tired and all, you are still very thoughtful and caring. You always said health comes first. No matter how tired you already are, you will try to buy me food if I was too busy to be out for lunch. If people ask for help, you would drop everything you could and help out, just like how you gave money to Kyungsoo for curing his grandma's cancer. If someone ever ask me what is the tip of being a successful person, I would pull you to my side and say that first you need a supportive girlfriend." He grinned goofily.

"I'm never afraid of making promises with you, because I will always make sure to make it come true. This time..." He paused.

"Let me promise you, that no matter ups or downs, I will still be by your side. No matter you're having your menstrual pain or giving birth pain, I will be there for you to hold onto me. Even if the whole world abandoned you, I will still have your back."

Sehun got onto his left knee with a ring box on his left hand.

"Yoongie, would you let me make this promise come true? Will you marry me?"

A deadly silence occured and Yoona teared up. Sehun started to panic.

"Y-Yoongie, it's fine if you're not ready. Please don't cry. You know seeing you crying is always my weakness. I can always do it another time when you're ready, you don't have to rush your--"

Sehun was cut off by a kiss on the lips.

"Pabo." Yoona complained with tears streaming down her cheeks, but she was smiling happily.

"Is it a yes?" He looked at her full with hope.

Yoona nodded and grinned widely.

"YESSS! SHE SAID YESSSSSSSSSS!" He lifted her up and spun her around.

Suddenly a bunch of people came out from their hideouts. Yoona was stunned to see all of them.

"I got a lot of help from the gang." Sehun said gesturing at Taeyeon, Yuri, Jessica, Kris, Kai, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Suho, Luhan, and Minseok, who were cheering happily.

"Yah! Don't forget about me!"

"Yeah yeah, Jae-ah. You really helped a lot too." Sehun exclaimed while Jaehyun looked proud of himself.

"I'm so sorry, we never know all about this, we just got the message after dinner and did as told to come here." Both side parents said sheepishly.

"It's fine. It was a surprise for you too."

"It sure is the best surprise we've ever had." Both fathers laughed like Santa-Claus.

While the others were busy chatting in their own world, Sehun wrapped his arms around his fiancé's petite body.

"Thank you for saying yes."

"Thank you for loving me."

They giggled and nuzzled their noses together.

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