Chapter 12

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"Will you accept my love, Yoongie?" Sehun asked, staring at Yoona with full of love.

Yoona was already in tears.

"Thank you for staying by my side. Thank you for always taking care of me. Thank you for always protecting me. Thank you for your love."

Sehun was waiting for her answer, he felt he couldn't even breath properly.

"Yes, I accept you, Sehunnie."

He was so happy, he hugged Yoona tightly. He lifted her up and spinned her around.

"Stop it, Sehunnie. You're making me dizzy." She giggled.

Sehun sat back down on the sofa and made Yoona sit on his lap. He looked at Yoona adoringly while his arms around her tiny waist. He slowly leaned to her lips and kissed her. Yoona immediately kissed him back and put her arms around Sehun's nape. It was a soft yet passionate kiss.

They pulled back panting for air. Yoona sat beside him and rested her head on Sehun's chest while he hugged her waist.

"Before I forgot, Yoongie, there will be a business trip the day after tomorrow."

Then Yoona pouted at him.

Sehun can't help but to pinch her cheeks, "Why, what's wrong, cutie? Hmm?"

"Then I'll be alone in the office." She said still pouting.

"You're my secretary, Yoongie. Of course you're coming with me on the business trip." Sehun laughed.

Yoona widened her eyes in excitement, "Really?! Yayyy!"

"Remember to pack the materials you need in the office tomorrow."

"Where are we going? How long are we staying?"

"We're going to Tokyo. 5 days."

"I can't wait for it." Yoona smiled and laid on Sehun's chest again.


Yoona and Sehun entered the building hand in hand. Everyone was looking at them, thinking that finally they got together.

Yoona didn't want to hold hands in the office, she was scared of what everyone's reaction. She never wanted to ruin Sehun's reputation. However, Sehun insisted on intertwining them. Everyone that passed by them were admiring the couple.

"They really look so good together!"

"Yoona finally accepted Mr Oh!"

"I've been shipping them for ages already!"

"This is what you call couple of the century ohmygosh!"

Yoona blushed upon the compliments about them. She turned to look at Sehun and she realized he was staring at her all the time. She blushed even deeper crimson red. Sehun just patted her head lovingly and smiled. Such a cutie.

Sehun and Yoona packed everything they need for the trip in the office. He dismissed everyone earlier and brought Yoona home because they will be having an early flight the next morning.

Yoona packed all her belongings and put it aside neatly. She laid on the bed and thought of a lot of things. Mainly about I hadn't go overseas for a long time and I haven't been to Tokyo before I wonder how does it looks like.


After they reached Tokyo, they immediately went to the 5-star hotel to check-in.

"Excuse me, are there any connected rooms?" Sehun asked at the counter.

"Yes, sir. There are a pair of connected rooms left."

"Okay, I'll take that."

"Here you go, sir."

"Thank you." He took the keys.

Yoona who was standing aside waiting for Sehun, was unaware that the men around her were glancing or even staring at her.

However, Sehun noticed it. He immediately wrapped his arm around her waist protectively and glared at the men. Yoona had a confused look on her pretty face.

"Those perverts kept staring at you." An annoyed tone could be heard.

Yoona looked around noticing a few men were staring at her as if they want to eat her up. She hugged Sehun and gently pecked his cheek.

Sehun was taken aback, it was the first time Yoona did this in public, but he can't deny that he was happy. His cheeks were burning.

"Awww someone is blushing." Yoona teased.

He grabbed Yoona's face gently and planted a soft kiss on her lips. She blushed a tomato face.

"Look who's blushing now." Sehun giggled.

Before Yoona could retort, "Let's go check our rooms, princess." Sehun continued and smiled lovely to Yoona while she nodded cutely.

They were amazed how beautiful the room is. It has a rose scent. Sweet yet romantic.

"I chose connected rooms for us. The connected door on my room would always be unlock for you. Just come over whenever you want to, okay?" Sehun carressed Yoona's cheek adoringly.

"Can I come over after I change?" She pouted.

"Of course. And stop doing that, I might kiss you." Sehun warned jokingly.

Yoona stuck her tongue out playfully and closed her door after entering.

"Kyeopta." Sehun muttered and smiled widely.

Since the meeting is not today, they spent the rest of the day together.

Little did Yoona know, Sehun was planning something in his mind...

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