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'I left Jinyoung alone and walked into the school. I was looking for Dahyun, Eunbi, and Jihoon but I didn't find them anywhere, so I just went to my first class, sat behind my desk and rested my head on the desk. Suddenly I heard a loud bang on the edge of my desk, which made me jump. I saw a smirking Jungkook looking at me.'

Jungkook: "Heeyyy, nerdy.!"

Y/N: "What do you want.?" *annoyed*

Jungkook: "What! I can't talk to the ugliest girl in school??"

'I ignored him and pretended he wasn't there, talking to me."

Jungkook: "Hey! Don't ignore me!"

'I still ignored him because I was so done with his shit. He grabbed my hand and made me look at him.'


'He seemed very mad, he tightened the grip on my hand and that made me do a little whine.'
Jungkook: "Meet me at behind the school after your last class, be there if you don't wanna get hurt."

'I just nodded and he let go of me. He left the classroom. At the same time, Jihoon came into the class and he knew exactly, what Jungkook was doing in that classroom. He ran to you.'

Jihoon: "Y/N!! Are you okay? Did he do something to you?"

Y/N: "Oppa, I'm okay! He only wanted to talk to me..."

'He gave me the "Are you serious?" look.'

Y/N: "And he wanted me to meet him behind the school after my last class..."

Jihoon: "You aren't going alone, right?"

Y/N: "I am! He said, that if I don't go he'll hurt me."

Jihoon: "Please take your brother with you at least, or someone you know."

Y/N: "Oppa, thanks for worrying about me. But I can do this by myself!" *smile*

'The bell rang and he went to his seat with a worried face. I know he cares about me, but I'm a big girl now, I can fight myself.'


-Yugyeom POV-

'It was lunch time and I got to the cafeteria, to of course eat something. Me, the GOT7 group, Y/N best friends and Y/N we usually eat together at lunch but today Y/N wasn't in the cafeteria.'

Yugyeom: "Hey? Um, do any of you know where Y/N is?"

Eunbi: "No, I actually haven't seen her all day."

Jinyoung: "I walked to school with her but after that, I haven't seen her."

Jihoon: "I saw her in her first and third class but now I haven't seen her."

Yugyeom: "Oh, that means she's still at school. Maybe she doesn't want to eat today?"

Jinyoung: "But she did take her lunch from home, right?"

'I nodded but it's odd that she didn't say anything, it's not like her.'

Yugyeom: "Hey? Jihoon, did you talk to Y/N at all today?"

Jihoon: "Yeah, Jungkook threatened her again. She has to meet Jungkook behind the school after her last class."

Dahyun: "Doesn't she have only 4 classes today?"

'And at that moment I knew, she was with Jungkook. I quickly stood up from the table and ran out of the cafeteria.'


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