chapter eleven - The Meeting

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"The beauty of love is that it demands to be two sided, otherwise its nothing but another obsession.

- Musawir Masood


I wasn't ready to get another note. Nor was I ready to meet my stalker who claimed to love me.

I woke up at three past twelve on Saturday-night. Completely drenched in sweat and shivering.

Another dream, I told myself. Just another dream. Nothing to worry about.

That was until I heard shuffling in my room.

I squinted my eyes to see what it was.

It was a who.

"Hello, my Cinderella," the shadow said.

I tried to stay as still as I could but no avail. He noticed me.

"Did you look forward to our meeting?" he asked.

When I didn't answer, he walked up to my bed and I sucked in a breath when he touched my cheek. Even though his fingertips only lightly bushed the skin of my face, it made me shiver. Shiver of disgust.

"I asked you something, love. But since I can see you did, you don't have to answer anymore. If I ask a question, my beautiful one, I would like to have an answer. Are you okay with that, love?"

I tried to gulp down the bile that was slowly rising each time he called me an endearment and I nodded.

He seemed to be happy with that because, even in the dim light of my alarm, I could see his face light up.

"Will you tell me your name, love?" the man said.

"S-Scarlet," I whispered and even in that single word, my voice managed to quiver.

"You are scared," the man said with a sad voice, "But no worries. I will help you get away from this place."

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair annoyed.

"Soon," he said, "But not yet. Just hold on a little bit longer and then we can get away from this town and move to the big city. To Paris, the city of love. You love that city, right? I heard you talk about it to your friends before. Would you like that?"

I faintly shook my head. I didn't even want to be in the same room -what I was right now, against my will- so why should I want to be living with him in another country?

"We'll talk about the place later, my love. The sun is going to rise soon so I must be going," he got up from his crouching position in front of my bed, "Remember: Don't tell anyone about us. They wouldn't agree and I know you don't want any more by issues than we already have."

And with that, he was gone.

Murdering Midnight (Previously: Meet Me At Midnight) (Fairy Twisted Tale I)Where stories live. Discover now