chapter fourteen - His Dream, My Nightmare

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"I had to do that. At least once."

- Suzanne Collins


He took me all over Paris. Onto the Seine.

On the Eiffel Tower, he tried to kiss me but I turned away, seeming to be occupied by the surroundings.

Before we left the house, he told me I'd better not tell anyone because they would keep us apart and then he had to do something I didn't like.

"Did you have a nice day?" he asked when we were eating in a three-star restaurant.

I nodded, not trusting my voice right now.

"Do you want some champagne?" he asked.

"I-I'm underage," I whispered.

"Not in France, darling. Here you can drink wine from your sixteen."

"How do you afford all of this?"

"What, love?"

"T-the boat, the house, the plane. This."

"I invest in stocks, princess. I have enough money to provide for the both of us and live in wealth without having to work even once in my life."

* * * * * *

"What's your name?" I asked quietly, "You know mine but I don't know yours."

He beamed when I asked that, "Of course, love! My name is Payden. You need to know it for tonight, right?"


He took my hands in his and looked at me. Shivers of disgust ran down my spine.

"You don't have to be scared, love. I won't be rough unless you ask me to be. I am open for everything."

"N-no need for t-that," I said.

"Before I forget," he said and opened the door to the house and let me go inside, "I bought you a present I thought you would like."

I tried to smile but it must have come out as a grimace, yet he didn't notice it.

"Here," he said and gave me a pink bag with light-pink stripes on it.

"Open it, my Cinderella."

At first, I thought it was a cropped version of the dress I wore for my prom.

But when I got it out of the bag, I saw it was lingerie.

"Do you want to wear it?" he asked.

My eyes opened from fear, "Now?"

He nodded, "Unless you are self-conscious of your body. And if you are, there is nothing to be self-conscious about. I love every inch of you. Every fibre. Every atom that makes you you, I will adore."

And with that he pushed the bag away and grabbed me by my waist.

* * * * * * * *

I cried in silence while he was lightly snoring.

He took me. My pride was shattered. The thing I withheld for the boy I loved, was ripped away from me, a few hours ago.

The pain was bad. Really bad. The sheets were covered in blood now and I thought -and wished- I was going to die right there.

But he kept on going.

Murmuring words of love in my ear while I was sobbing.

Saying it always hurts the first time.

I knew it wasn't going to hurt only the first time. It would hurt every time anyone touched me. It would bring up memories; memories of this horrid night.

Murdering Midnight (Previously: Meet Me At Midnight) (Fairy Twisted Tale I)Where stories live. Discover now