chapter five - The Third Stroke Of Midnight

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"This isn't a crush, it's obsession. You are never not in my thoughts. Your scent carries across a room and paralyzes me with longing."

- Gwen Hayes.


It was Monday, but instead of having English, we had to go to the cafeteria because the principal needed to tell us something.

"I am really sad to announce this to you, but your teacher has been killed on Saturday."

I could hear gasps and some unemotional eggheads cheering.

"We have already found another person who wanted to fill the gap and teach you. Say hello to mister Caddell, children," the principal said.

A guy came up to the elderly director, halted next to him and took over the microphone.

I knew him from somewhere. But where?

"I hope you will welcome me with open arms even though the circumstances that made me start my first day here."

His voice reminded me of something. But what?

"Since this is my first day at this school, I am thinking we could all say three facts about ourselves when we are back in our classroom. With that being said: Let's go."

We were back in the classroom for almost half an hour now and almost everyone has been able to say their name and three facts about themselves. It didn't surprise me that some guys made a joke out of this, telling the teacher someone else's name. And they were supposed to be the seniors of our high school.

"What's your name?" mister Caddell asked me.

"Scarlet, sir."

"Any hobbies?"

I started shaking my head, but I remembered something I used to do until they found out who killed my mum, "I tried to find out who is on a killing-spree. At least, that was what I used to do. Now I just try to learn new braiding techniques."

"You still need to tell me two other facts about yourself, Scarlet," he said.

I nodded my head, "My favourite colour is blue, like the sky is when there aren't any clouds. And I live with my father and stepmother."

He nodded.

Nicky raised her hand, "Sir, will you tell us three facts about yourself?"

He chuckled, "I guess that is only fair to do so. My favourite dessert is chocolate cobbler. I am currently single, but that's because I chose for it. And I am twenty-two years old."

The bell rang but before I could walk out, mister Caddell said my name.

I turned around, "Yes, sir?"

"Are you alright? You seemed quite down," he said.

I tried to smile, "I am just thinking about my boyfriend, Aidan, sir. He was killed by the same guy that killed mister Nickelson. It just brings up memories."

"I think you should move on for the better. Even though I've only been here for a day, I've heard some rumours about that boy."

I nodded and wanted to exit the classroom, but he said my name again.

"Is there something else, sir?"

"Yes. I have seen your grades. They don't seem that great and I wanted to ask if you wanted tutoring."

"That would be nice, sir, but I need to go to Math now and I don't want to be late."

Murdering Midnight (Previously: Meet Me At Midnight) (Fairy Twisted Tale I)Where stories live. Discover now