chapter twenty-eight - Unexpected Visit

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"Stronger than lover's love is lover's hate. Incurable, in each, the wounds they make." 

- Euripides



On Saturday (dec. 9th) you can ask someone new -a man who appears in this chapter- questions. He will take over this account for one day to answer your questions.

That means another Q&A! Don't miss your chance to ask what you want to know!

I was browsing for a job on the internet, but the search was fruitless. With a defeated sigh, I leaned back in the sofa and grabbed my hair as though it would help me with finding a job.

When I was about to start my scavenge for food, someone knocked on my door.

"Just a minute!" I yelled as I looked for an elastic to tame my hair -which I hadn't combed today-.

When it was do-able, I opened the door. Only to reveal someone I thought I would never see. Especially, here in England.

"Hi," he said.


He changed, though.

He got taller. A lot. He must stand at six feet two, now.

His arms gained a lot of muscle too, but also some tattoos. They peeked out from underneath his black leather coat.

The colour of his hair changed as well. From dark blonde to brown.

But I could never forget those green orbs. They always reminded me of dragon's eyes.

"Don't you invite me in, Dream Doll?" he said as he smiled, "It's rude to let people stand in the hallway, you know..."

"What are you doing here?" I asked, "I thought you were going to study at college."

"I was. But my studies are long done and now I'm already working. Can I come in, now?"

I stepped aside, "S-Sure. So, How's life?"

He chuckled.

"Burning down entire villages and guarding my treasures," he joked, "Same old, same old."

"Nice accent," I commented.

"I know."

"And still as modest as always."

He grinned.

"Why are you here? Almost no one knows I'm in England."

"Rumour goes around that a girl stopped at Oxford already. When I heard their description of that certain female," he winked at me, "I couldn't believe it, so I had to find out myself."

He stopped talking for a second.

"And I'm glad I did," he continued, "How long has it been since we last saw each other? Seven years? Eight years?"

I rubbed my arm at the memory of him heading off to somewhere else to study, "Yeah... I miss those old times, though."

"You almost didn't change, Dream Doll. Although the hair did change quite a bit. And there's... How do I say it without sounding too pervy... there's more Dream Doll. You grew up into a beautiful girl."

"I wish I could say the same about you not having changed that much. If it wasn't for the eyes, I would have thrown the door right in your face. Just like you taught me when I was younger."

He ruffled my hair, getting his fingers stuck in my hair in the process, "I'm glad you finally listened to my advice. You were so stubborn then... God, your hair is a bird's nest."

I smiled innocently.

"Judragie, do you remember when you would comb my hair because I was too lazy to do it myself?"

He hummed, "And that I had to chase you all around your house to get a hold of you."

I grinned.

And with that I took off.

"Come and get me if you can!" I laughed.

"The game is on, Dream Doll!" he said as I could see him run behind me.

* * * * * *

"You'll never catch me!" I yelled, "I'm invincible!'

And with that being said, I was tackled to the blue carpeted floor.

"What did you say about invincible?" he taunted.

"I'm still. You just happened to catch me on my bad day," I laughed.

"Then you're not invincible, Dream Doll."

"I am," I replied.

"You're not. Invincible people never have a bad day. You are amazing. Not invincible. Amazing."

"I'm glad you know."

He helped me up and pulled me with him throughout the entire place to get to the bathroom.

* * * * * *

"Why did you stop uni, Scarlet? I thought you wanted to be a woman who was independent," he said as he hauled the brush through my hair.

"Didn't like it there."

He tugged another time, now harder to gets the knots out.

"I've known you since you were seven and you still can't lie. Tell me why you really stopped, Scarlet."

"Didn't like the people there." ... two, to be more specific.

"Who do I have to scare now?" he asked.

I turned around, to look him in the eye. His green ones stood serious.

"This isn't like on the playground where you can scare the kids enough to make them play with me. This is real life, Jude. Not a fairy tale where you get your happy ever after."...Especially with a psycho who calls you 'his Cinderella'.

Murdering Midnight (Previously: Meet Me At Midnight) (Fairy Twisted Tale I)Where stories live. Discover now