chapter fifteen - Tu Parles Français?

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"It was one thing to be attacked by someone you hated, but this was something else."

- Kami Garcia


He was sleeping while I got out of the room. I didn't care I wasn't wearing any shoes when I got onto the busy streets of Paris.

It would help me; I hoped.

I ran as far as I could. As fast as my feet could carry me.

My legs collapsed under my weight on a square.

"Ça va, mademoiselle?" a man asked, "Je peux vous aider?"

"I don't understand you," I heaved.

"You alright? I can help you?"

"A police station. Please. Can you bring me there?"

He nodded and helped me to stand on my feet again.

* * * * * *

"Name?" a police officer asked.

"Scarlet Beardo."

He typed onto his computer and clucked with his tongue, "It seem you are missing, mademoiselle."

"Yes!" I said, "I was ab-"

"Ah, merci, monsieur. Elle est à bout parce qu'elle est enceinte. Mes excuses pour les problèmes que ma fiancé a créé," a voice said I wished I had never heard. (Ah, thank you, sir. She is in all states because she is pregnant. My excuses for the problems my fiancé created.)

"Oui, monsieur Caddell. Bonne journée et bonne chance avec le bébé!" the officer said. (Yes, sir Caddell. Have a nice day and good luck with the baby!)

"Merci," and with that, he pulled me out of the police station by my hand.

I could almost feel the freedom between my fingertips.


But I was not fast enough.

* * * * * *

"Why would you do such a thing, Scarlet?! Going to a police station! Are you out of your mind?!" he roared, "They could have taken you away from me! We were lucky I found you that fast!"

"I want to leave this place," I sobbed, "Please."

He lowered himself, in order to sit next to me on the ground, "Why didn't you just tell me instead of running away like that? If you didn't like Paris, we could live somewhere else."

"I don't want to be here!" I shouted, "I want to be away from you!"

He clucked his tongue and shook his head, "You shouldn't have said that, love."

Murdering Midnight (Previously: Meet Me At Midnight) (Fairy Twisted Tale I)Where stories live. Discover now