chapter twenty-five - Analysis Of A Story

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'I envy the hands touching your face. Envy the arms around your waist. Envy the man taking my place. I envy him.'

- Alec Benjamin



Me: 'Oh gosh, the day went well, didn't it, Scarlet?'

Scarlet: *Scoffs* 'Since when do you call being harassed by your rector a good day?'

Me: *sighs annoyed* 'Scar, it was sarcasm. We both know how hectic yesterday was with the do we have to study that? all the time by everyone.'

Scarlet: 'Did I have to smell that? Like-' *sniffs the air in mock* '-I smell a hint of annoyance and a smother of sarcasm.'

Me: *Rolls eyes at her antics* 'Sure, Scar. That's exactly what I meant.'

The day was terrible. When I set a foot out of the dorm house, I was already soaked from head to toe. It was raining. No, scratch that. Rain was pouring down as if someone in heaven just opened a tap and left it open.

When I came in the auditorium, water was dripping from the stray hairs that weren't covered with my coat.

"Nice that you finally grace us with your presence, miss ...?" the teacher said in front of the full auditory.

"Miss Beardo, professor," I quietly said as I slipped onto an empty seat in the nearly empty first row.

She paled when she heard my reply, but kept on giving her explanation.

"Today we're going to analyse the medieval story of The Little Glass Slipper. Better known to people of this era as Cinderella," the teacher said as she went to write on the chalkboard in the front of the room, "You'll work in assigned pairs. Make sure to be complete in your work."

Now I realized she was writing names, I noticed I was paired with someone I didn't know. But I didn't know a lot of people.

I was paired with Sumato Nigoto.

From the looks of it, I could already see who that Sumato was. He was walking straight to my current spot.

"Let's get this over with, okay?" he said, "I want to keep my grade up and I don't intend on having anything below ninety percent."

Sumato got out his notebook and pencil case and wrote down 'Cinderella analysis'.

"You know anything about symbolism?" he asked annoyed.

"Isn't her dress blue? That means something right? If I'm not mistaken, blue stands for heaven. And pigeons peck out the eyes of the sisters. Those birds stand for the holy spirit."

He was writing everything I said in neat lines, "You know anything more?"

"Those sisters. There were two of them and two stands for danger and the devil. Hence why her sisters were evil creatures. She danced three nights on a row with the prince. Three is a divine number."

"Great," he said as he wrote down the last words on the end of the page, "I think that's enough to analyse a petite fairy tale nonsense."

Murdering Midnight (Previously: Meet Me At Midnight) (Fairy Twisted Tale I)Where stories live. Discover now