Surprising a Fan

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*New Story*
Jake's POV:
My name is Jake Paul and I'm 20 years old. It's currently Thanksgiving day at the Team Ten house and we are all making a different item for supper. I was put in charge of making the turkey, and Erika is helping me since she's better at cooking.
Erika: I looked up a recipe and we're going to stuff it with onions and butter.
Jake: I already put onions in there.
Erika: Put three sticks of butter in it.
Jake: Okay, I put lemon pepper on top so it's ready for the oven.
Erika: Put it in.
Jake: Okay, it's in.
Erika's POV:
Jake and I finished making the turkey and two hours later everything was finished.
Jake: Everyone come sit down, it's time to eat supper!
Team Ten came running downstairs.
Jake: Alright, Everyone Sit down and we are going to say what we're thankful for. Anthony you start and we'll come around to me.
Anthony: I'm thankful that I have the privilege to be here, and be apart of this family.
Everyone else goes and it comes to Erika.
Erika: I'm thankful for a place good job, and I'm also thankful for Jake because he got me out of a random lady's living room.😂
Jake: Hahah!😂 Well, I'm thankful Erika for two reasons, one. For putting up with me and being my assistant. Two. Erika has been the one with me through the whole Alissa and Logan deal, to support me, and back me up.
Team10: Awe, Jerika!
Jake: What?!?
Tessa: Jake+Erika=Jerika, that's your ship name.
Jake starts blushing and puts his head in his hands.
Erika: Lets eat guys!
Chance's POV:
After eating, we all sat down to watch the news and then a movie. Jake and Erika sat next to each other and I sat next to Tessa. The news reporter came on the screen.
Reporter: A little La  girl was found in her bedroom unconscious. Her parents say she had been just watching a famous YouTuber Jake Paul's vlog, and when her mom went to check on her she was unconscious.
Jake jumps up.
Erika: Jake, what are you doing?
Jake: I'm going to see her!
Erika grabbed his arm
Erika: You can't do that, it's not your place.
Jake: That's my fan! I care about her!
Erika: At least let me go.
Jake: Did anyone here her name?
Chance: Jayla McQuin.
Jake: Thanks, Erika lets go.
*In the car*
Erika's POV:
In the car Jake was freaking out and he was actually crying, To calm him down I put my hand on his thigh, he didn't even flinch he just put his other hand over mine.
Jake: Erika, can I tell you something?
Erika: Sure!
Jake: I don't want you to be my assistant.
Erika: Why?!?
Jake: I love you more than just a friend. I want you to move to the talent side and I already have a new assistant picked out if you accept.
Erika was blushing hard by then.
Erika: Jake I love you too.  And I accept!❤️
Jake: Do you love me like a friend or like what I said?
Erika: Like what you said, I always had a crush on you.
Jake: Awe!❤️
Jake and Erika arrive at the hospital.
Jake: We are looking for the room of Jayla McQuin.
Receptionist: who are you? She is awake but only certain people can go in.
Jake: My name's Jake Paul and this is Erika Costell. I'm pretty sure if her parents heard our names they would let us in.
Receptionist: Okay, but if they come out saying you're intruders, you're going to Jail.
Jerika: We understand.
Jake's POV:
Erika and I walked back to the room in silence when we walked in, there was two people in the room.
Jake: Hello, sir. Is this Jayla Mcquin's room?
Man: Yes, oh hi Jake and Erika.
The lady starts crying
Lady: Do you really care that much about your fans?
Jake: I would give up my life for my fans.
Lady: That's sweet. Well I'm Jan and this is Dave, Jayla is a huge fan of your's.
Jake: I heard in the news.
Erika's POV:
Jake and I sat and talked to the parents and about thirty minutes later, Jayla woke up.
Jayla: Oh my God! It's Jerika!
Jerika: Hey!☺️💙
Jayla: Do you really care about me that much.
Jake: I care about you more than you could ever dream!
Jayla: Awe! I love you so much!
Jake's POV:
I  went up and gave Jayla a hug, her parents said she suffered from low heart rate and she had heart failure. When I hugged Jayla, her heart rate went from 45 to 60.
Jan: Oh my God! The doctors said nothing could heal her, and they can't give her a heart transplant so she'd most likely need a miracle or she'd d.d.die. I think you're what she needed.
Erika's POV:
Jake and I stayed for another hour and we went home. On the car ride, Jake grabbed my hand and squeezed it, then put it down. We went to Taco Bell for supper and then Headed home. I went to my room and went to sleep.

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