Broken hearts for Christmas

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Erika's POV:
I woke up and realized it's Christmas Eve! My naked body rolled off of Jake's bare chest and landed on the other side of the bed. I slowly got out of bed, attempting not to wake Jake. As soon as my legs started walking to the bathroom I realize how sore I was, God Jake must have went harder than either of us realized. While I was showering, I guess Jake woke up and came into the bathroom so I didn't see him. I step out of the tub and freak out.l
Jake turns around
Jake: I'm your boyfriend, thank you very much.
Erika wraps her arms around Jake's neck and kisses him.
Erika: I'm sorry, I only say the blonde, messy hair and back.
Jake: It's okay but good morning princess.
Erika: Good morning, how'd you sleep after last night?
Jake: I needed that, I slept like a baby.
Erika: Hahahaha.
Jake: let's finish getting ready and Logan said to meet him at the Panera downstairs.
Jake: Umm..... Ookey. (A/N pronounced oh-kēē)
Erika: What?
Jake: I just love your crazy side.
Erika: I love all your sides.
Jake: Aweee.💙

Jake's POV:
Erika and I finished getting ready to go downstairs and grabbed our phones then headed out the door. We just so happen to meet Logan outside, looking like he hadn't slept in ages. We started talking and headed downstairs.
Erika: Good morning Logan, how'd you sleep?
Logan: Well I had some music to go to bed.
Jake: Logan, you never listen to music to fall asleep!
Logan: Does Erika's morning count.
Jerika's faces turn bright red and Jake smacks/grips Erika's butt.
Erika: JAKE, I'm sore!
Logan: Oohh, you're sore.
Erika: Logan, shut up.
Logan: You act like I didn't hear you moan all night... "Ahh, Jakey Uhhhh"
Logan: it's the truth...

Erika's POV:
We are at Panera, headed up to our rooms to pack, took naps, swam, and lastly, checked out and headed to Pam's. I was so excited to see Pam and the fact that it's Christmas Eve made it better. We arrived at Pam's and Jake carried me on his back while Logan grabbed all of the bags. (A/N chill, there's only two suit cases and one duffel bag.) Jake knocked and I hopped off his back since we were out of the snow. Pam answered the door excitedly.
Jake: Eh, chill mom.
Erika: What, do you not think we are a good couple? Am I not good enough for you? Does my body not live up to your standards?
Jake: Baby, calm down, it was a joke and it's a little embarrassing for your mom to say that in front of your girlfriend and brother. (Says mad)
Erika just cries and goes upstairs
Logan: Yo what's wrong with her, she was fine earlier.
Jake: I don't know. I hope I didn't scare her..
Pam: Jake just let her have some time. Maybe you should go on a walk for a while.
Jake: O-Okay Momma.💔

Jake's POV:
I went outside into the fresh air of lovely Ohio, boy did I ever  miss this place. I started think about Erika and I's relationship, how it started bumpy and rough, but then got better and  worked things out. I thought about what was said earlier, and realized that we were both in the wrong... I shouldn't have made a controversial statement and she shouldn't have jumped to conclusions.
*Back at Pam's*
Erika's POV:
As I sat on, what I think is Jake's bed, I think I'm right because it smells like the crisp, manly cologne he sometimes wears. I started thinking about what happened earlier and realized I shouldn't have said what I did, I sometimes wish I could just go back and redo everything. This time just so happens to be one of those times. I look down at my phone and realize it's already 10:00pm (A/N they arrived to Pam's house at 5:00pm) I put my phone on charge and lay my head down, drifting into a deep sleep.

Jake's POV:
I was just taking some time to think and meditate on today. I looked at my phone and the time was already 2:40am. I turned around and saw I was quite far from my Mom's house, so I just sprinted back. I didn't make it home until 3:20 so you know how far away I was. I walked into my old room and looked to my bed where my girl was sleeping. I started crying and headed to the shower. I didn't know one little thing could make me this emotional. After my shower I grabbed a thin pillow from the closet along with a light, thin blanket and settled into the ground, ready for my most likely dreadful  Christmas tomorrow.

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