You Used Me!

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Jake's POV:
I woke up and remembered that I needed a costar for my movie. I looked down and I guess Erika crawled in be switch me last night. Erika had her legs wrapped around my torso and her head nuzzled up to my chest and I had my arms wrapped around her so I just stayed in the same position for another thirty minutes then Erika woke up.
Jake: Good morning, sleepy head.
Erika: Good morning, handsome.❤️ I came in here after you fell asleep because it was cold in my room and I wanted to be snuggled up to your chest.
Jake: Thats Okay. So I got a call a couple weeks ago, before we started dating and I need a costar for a movie called A Christmas Love Story, and I don't want to kiss anyone but you so would you like to be my costar?
Erika: Oh, I see how it is, you want to date me just to get a role in a movie... wow what a fool I was to fall for you. We're over... you don't ROCK you jerk.

Jake's POV:
Erika got up and started running out of our, Well I guess my room. I was so shocked I could hardly get anything out of my mouth.
Jake: Bab- ERIKA don't run!
Erika: No Jake, I'm done with you. I just got with you and now you're already using me? What an idiot you are.
Jake: No!
Erika: No! I'm moving out of this house because I can't be around you, tear my contract apart and break the freakin Jerika sign because I don't want to even know you. I don't honestly know if I'll ever be able to trust you again.
Jake: Goodbye, Erika. I guess I may see you some other time.
Jake's POV:
I immediately started crying and ran to Anthony's room becuase he's always here for me.
Anthony: Jake! What's wrong?
Jake: S-s-she thinks I u-used her..
Anthony: Calm down and tell me what happened.
Anthony's POV:
Jake was crying so hard that I could hardly make out what he was saying. I know it involves Erika and she thinks he used her. I hugged Jake and he sat there crying in my arms for an hour then finally he had enough strength to tell me what happened.
Jake: She thinks I used her so she broke up with me.
Anthony: What do you mean?
Jake: I told her that I like her a couple weeks ago and the next day, Kevin called me and said I needed a girlfriend for a part for a Christmas movie, I knew right away that she was the one because I knew she liked me.
Anthony: It's going to be okay.
Jake: No Tony, she's the love of my life and I don't just say that because we dated.
Anthony: I'm always here for you bro.
Anthony's POV:
Jake just started crying so I just hugged him and stayed there until he fell asleep, then I went downstairs to talk to Chance. After I talked to Chance, worked out, and worked it was already 5:00 which it was dark so I went to shower. Jake was no longer in my room.

Jake's POV:
I was upset so I bought a plane ticket to Ohio and headed to my secret place no one knows about.
I got on the quickest flight I could catch which was at 6:00 so I hurriedly packed and left. I arrived in Cleveland at 11:00 and no one knew I was here so I went to my secret place. It's a cabin on the top of a mountain in the middle of absolutely no where. It's cold I'm the Midwest so I'm glad I brought a jacket and long sleeves. I also left my phone in La so no one can reach me.

*Back In La*
Erika's POV:
I went to Sonia's to get some clothes because I have a cabin on top of a mountain in Cleveland and I was headed there to think. When I got to Sonia's I realized my suit case was at J.J.Jake's house... Ugh. Not him! I drove to the house that I once called home with amazing friends and a sidekick I got to call mine... Erika you have to stop! He used you! I pulled up and Anthony was on the porch with his head in his hands and I could hear him crying.
Erika: Anthony, what's wrong?
Anthony: You kinda made me and Chance lose our best friend.
Erika: Anthony he hurt me, he used me.
Anthony: are we going through this again.
Erika: Actually Yeah, But this time I won't be back, ask Nick to shred my contract.
Anthony: Wow.
Erika rolled her eyes and walked in to a crying Team Ten in the living room.
Tessa: Erika, what are you doing here?!?
Tessa sounded very angry.
Erika: I'm getting my suit case.
Erika's POV:
I went upstairs and grabbed my suit case. On the way out, I went to give Apollo a hug but he wasn't there.
Erika: Where's Apollo?
Nick: The only thing we know is that Logan wanted Apollo for the week.
Erika: Okay, Bye!🤘🏽✌🏽
Team10: Bye...
Erika's POV:
I left that house and got ready to leave, I got onto the quickest flight and made it to Cleveland by 2:00am. When I arrived at my cabin I realized someone was staying next to me,
I was bummed out but I guess it's okay. I went inside and went to bed.

*The next morning*
Jake's POV:
I woke up this morning and fixed a cup of coffee. I looked at the temperature gauge and it said 34° so I went to my room and grabbed joggers and a status hoodie. I went outside to watch the sunrise and looked over to see that they had built another cabin right next to mine, I was a little upset but I don't know who's staying there. I looked over to see a beautiful lady sitting on her balcony wrapped up in a blanket and what looks like a Gucci robe on. I decided since it was my new neighbor for a while I would go introduce myself. I walked off the balcony and went onto hers.
Jake: Hello, I came over to introduce myself, I'm Jake-
Person: I know who you are....
Jake: Erika!!!!
Erika: What do you want Jake?!?
Jake: Umm, that's kinda my hide away when I'm upset, depressed, or heart broken.
Erika: YOU'RE HEARTBROKEN?!?!! Try being the person you used...
Jake: Can we talk about this as adults or are you going to blame me and hate me for the rest of my life, seriously last night I wanted to die...
Erika: You have no reason to die..
Jake: I know, but you jumped to conclusions so fast.. can we just talk?
Erika: Come in and we'll get a cup of coffee.
Erika's POV:
Jake explained everything and I immediately felt really bad for accusing him of something he didn't do. I grabbed his cheeks and kissed him passionately, missing his lips.
Erika: I'm sorry for accusing you. I love you and if you will, can I be your girlfriend again?!?😭
Jake: Of course, babygirl. I should have made it more clear to you.
Erika: Its not your fault.
Jake: Do you want to be my costar? I have a week full of filming.
Erika: Of course but let's wait to go home until tomorrow.
Jake: Okay, but we will have to go from the airport to the shoot.
Erika: Thats fine with me. I don't care where I am as long as I'm with you.
Jake: Awe!❤️ We really need to rent one of these out and we can just stay together. Let's go back over to mine and get in my jacuzzi for a while then we can watch movies the rest of the day.
Erika: Okay let's go.
Jake's POV:
Erika and I went over to my cabin and changed. didn't have a bathing suit so I just told her to wear her bra and underwear.  She walked out of the bathroom and my mouth dropped open.My God did she look good.
Erika: You better shit your mouth before flies fly in.
Jake: You would be drooling if you saw something that sexy.
Erika: I do... Every time you take your shirt off.
Jake: Awe, Lets go get in the jacuzzi.
Erika's POV:
We got in and Jake pulled me into his lap, I turned around and we just talked about anything and everything. One topic we talked about most was communication. I sat on his lap talking for two hours straight. As we sat there taking, I realized why I first fell in love with Jake, his personality, sensitivity, kind spirit, giving heart, and his love for others. (A/N all those things I wrote about him are true) Not to mention his looks.😏 We got out of the jacuzzi and cuddled and watched movies all day, making today start off not so good when I got out of bed to being one of the best days ever. I truly fell in love with such an amazing  guy.❤️

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