Pain and Bracelets

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Erika's POV:
I ate breakfast as a somewhat family. I noticed as we were eating that we all had matching pjs, I can't believe it took me that long to realize. We all went to the Christmas tree after cleaning up the mess and Pam started to pass out gifts. I got lost in the big, green Christmas tree's beauty and by the time Pam was finished I had lots of gifts in front of me. I sat next to Jake with our hands locked together and my head on his shoulder.
Pam: Okay, Erika does first!
Erika: (giggles) Ohh boy.
I pick up a gift read, To: My Favorite Goat, From: Vlog Mom. I open the package to see a little, red velvet pouch. I reach in and pull out a bracelet with 'Jake'  written on it. It was gold and had a garnet stone  hanging from a short chain.
Erika: It's beautiful, but what is that beautiful stone?
Pam: It's Garnet, Jake's birthstone.
Erika looks at Jake and pats his cheek.
Erika: A beautiful stone for a beautiful boy.😍

Jake's POV:
It was my turn next and I decided to open one from Momma also. I opened the package addressed to, Jakey💞 From: Momma💙 I opened the same pouch as Erika did, but instead I pulled out a gold bracelet with 'Erika' I graced on a small plate attached to the band and a Topaz stone attached to a chain. I'm guessing this is Erika's birthstone Also. I loved it😍 we both put the bracelets on the same wrist so we were always with each other no matter what. After opening gifts Erika and I headed upstairs to get ready for the day. Today I have Christmas at my Grandma's house so she'll finally meet Erika. Erika, Logan, and I have chilled and had fun all day so it's 4:00.
Pam: Jake, we're leaving for your Grandma's house at 5:00.
Jake: Okay Momma! Erika get ready.
Erika: I'm ready Jake.
Jake: Okay.

Erika's POV:
We all got ready and headed to Jake's grandmas house. I was eager to meet his family. On the car ride, I laid my head on Jake's shoulder and took a nap.
Jake: Baby, get up.
Erika: Are we here?
Jake: Yep.

Jake's POV:
We arrived and I was immediately greeted by my younger cousins who are fans and freaked out over "Jerika in real life!" I was them taken to the cousins my age who wanted to catch up.

*Pam and Erika*
Pam: Where's Jake?
Erika: I don't know.
Pam: Honey  are you Okay?
Erika: I'm fine.
Logan walls up
Logan: Hey Rik, wheres jake.
Erika gets mad
Erika: You know, I have no clue, he walked in and left me, literally let go of my hand and walked away and I haven't seen him since. I'm tired of his freak bf games and I feel like it's a one-sided effort for this relationship. (Very angry)
Logan hugs Erika
Logan: Its Okay.
Erika: (starts crying) I just want to go home.
Logan: Lets go, I'll drive you back to Mom's house and we can talk.
Pam: What about Jake?

Jake's POV:
I was talking to my cousins when I hear Logan y'all and call me an a**hole. My cousins start questioning me.
Connor: What's wring with him.
Carter: You must have messed up bro.
Jake: I need to go find them.

Jake's POV:
I went through the crowd and found my mom sitting alone lost in her thoughts. I sit beside her.
Jake: What just happened.
Pam: You're selfish, Jake.
Jake: Why?
Pam: Do you not notice anyone missing?
Jake: Logan and Erika?
Pam: Yeah, Erika left.
Jake: Why?
Pam: You haven't talked to her in the 2hrs we've been here, when we walked through the door and left her.
Jake: oh.
Pam: Listen Jake, did it ever cross your mind to introduce her to your cousins? Jake, girls want to be included, yeah we don't like "Bro stuff" but you should care about your girlfriend more than catching up with your cousins.

Jake's POV:
I just put the hood up of my hoodie over my head and walked outside. I dropped my head in shame and started walking, the bitter cold Ohio winds along with snow pelted my hood, giving me a headache. I thought about everything I did tonight. I should've just stayed with Erika and none of this would be going on. It's an hour walk back to my moms house so when I arrived, I was very cold, wet, and displeased with myself. I look at the Tie before stepping inside and it says 10:00. I open the front door to see Logan talking to Erika. Erika saw me, rolled her eyes, and walked upstairs.

Logan: I should slap you right now.
Jake: I know, I know.  I messed up and I made myself walk home an hour in the snow/sleet because I felt so bad.
Logan: No bro, you might have just lost your girl.
Jake: W-why d-do you s-say that? (Crying)
Logan: She's considering breaking up with you and moving out of he Team Ten house. She feels like she's the only one who puts forth effort in Your relationship.
Jake: Logan, I don't feel like I'm good enough for her. I can't even he half of what she is. She's amazing and she deserves better than me.

Erika's POV:
After I walked upstairs, I sat at Jake's old desk and just looked at the pictures of him when he was younger. One caught my eye where there was a baby girl on his hip and he was kissing her cheek. God the kid was adorable, and he still is. Tears streamed down my face and I laid my head on the desk,still looking at the pictures.
Pam: Beautiful buy isn't he.
Erika: Mmmhmm
Pam: You know Jake can be selfish and seem like a jerk, but I bet in just a few minutes he'll come up here, most likely crying, and apologize to you.
Erika: I know, and I love that side of him, I wish I could see the soft  side of Jake more often.
Pam: I know you do. You know, one time the boys were 12-14 and they were playing with a football in the house and Jake threw it at my favorite vase from my grandma,  I was upstairs doing laundry and Jake comes running up crying, "Momma!" I asked him what was wrong and he says, "Momma I broke your favorite vase..." I simply hugged him, told him it was okay, and cleaned the mess. A few days later, he came up to me with a new vase full of roses. Little did I know, he spent his whole allowance and everything in his piggy bank navies he felt bad. When that happened, I knew he would treat his girlfriend with respect when he was older.
Erika: Wow.
Pam: I love you Erika, no matter what happens with you and Jake I'll always love you. I'll leave you to think.

Erika's POV: I sat at the desk for a little longer then headed to take my shower. While in the shower those same hands that keep me standing when I'm weak, the one I run to for advice, the one that holds me when I'm sick, but also the hands of a guy that just broke my heart. He put his head in the crook of my neck.
Jake: E-rika.
Erika: Yes Jake.
Jake: You know I'm sorry.
Erika: I don't know are you.
Jake: Yes. I was selfish and I hurt you.
Erika: I know.
Jake: I would never dream in my life of ever intentionally hurting you. You're the thing that makes me happiest. I should've taken you with me to meet my cousins but I got caught up with the fans and the guys rushed me over so quickly, and I didn't even think about you.
Erika: Jake?
Jake: Yes.
Erika: Why did you walk one hour in 15° degree weather along with snow and ice.
Jake: Because I deserved it after leaving you alone.
Erika: You know in the end, you're still my boyfriend, I still love you and I'll always forgive you.
Jake: Yes bit one more thing.
Erika: ...

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