CHP - 1

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Something Different

^[Ezra in media]^

Ezra listened to the drops of water coming from the sink's tap. She rested her hands on it and stared into the fogged up mirror in front of her. She listened to the faint ticking of the clock hanging on the wall, and the quiet drops of water coming from the broken tap. She wiped her hand across the mirror so she could see herself.

Her reflection grinned at her, mockingly.

"You ready?" It asked raising an eyebrow. Then three loud knocks hit Ezra's ears. Her body jumped slightly and she looked to the door.

"EZRA!" Her roommate yelled from behind it. "Hurry up! I needa fucking pee!"

Ezra then turned back to the mirror to realize that her reflection was no longer smirking.

* * *

It was as if she hadn't been outside in years. Oh, wait. That's right. She hasn't.

Ezra sat in front of the building using her suitcase to shield her from the wet grass. A bandanna was fastened behind her neck, covering her mouth and nose. Her still damp hair was hanging over her face as she stared at the long driveway.

Ezra knew she'd intimidate the girl by her appearance that she was told today was her adoptive sister. But she didn't care.

She was used to it.

She had been sitting there for twenty long minutes when the familiar family car finally came. Ezra stood and dragged her suitcase to the car, passing her father in the driver's seat.

She opened the car door and her mouth dropped. Sitting in the back-seat behind her mother was a girl with vibrant red hair. A complete tomboy.
Ezra was not expecting that.

This was supposedly her new sister, they told her they adopted her 6 years ago. Ezra never met her, when Ezra was home for a month when she was 15 they made the girl stay with their grandma so she wouldn't catch Ezra's "crazy."

Ezra slid her suitcase into the middle seat and climbed in, slamming the door behind her. Her dad started the car and then drove away from Ezra's hell on earth and to her new one.

Ezra felt a pair of eyes staring at her and cringed when she looked over at a smiling face.

So, she wasn't intimidated. That was different.

"Hey!" The girl chats happily. "You're Ezra right? My name's Jasmine but I like Jax better. Ma and pops don't talk about you much, but they told me about you around last month. Pops said you only staying two weeks... but I personally want you to stay longer!" She finished loudly as she glared at her father's head.

The kid kept talking but Ezra tuned her out.

She glared at the back of her father's ugly head then turned to look at her mother. She had dyed her hair to the same red as Jax's. They both had the same lighter shade of brown eyes so they looked more like mother and daughter.

Ezra's black hair and dark eyes came from her grandma. Her facial structure was a mix of both her parents so she ended up looking like neither of them. She didn't know where she got her height. She towered every family member.

Ezra was also skinny as hell, which always seemed to piss her father off. But Jax was way bigger in weight than Ezra ever was... which made her appearance seem older than just 16.

Ezra wondered if Jax pisses off her dad too since she was also a tomboy. He hated that the most about her so was it the same for Jax?

"Do you have any medication you supposed to be taking?" Her mother finally spoke.

Damn, Ezra thought her ass would've forgot.

"Yeah." She muttered.

"Hand it over." She ordered. Ezra opened her suitcase and pulled out a bottle. She held out her hand and Ezra handed it over.

"Is this all you got?" She asked.

With a sigh Ezra grabbed a Ziploc bag from her suitcase and handed it over. Her mother frowned and opened it causing her to gasp.

"There's like six bottles in here!" She yelled.

"Nine." Ezra corrected her. "Ten altogether."

"What are they for?" Jax asked innocently.

"Ezra's sick. These help her." Mother said.

Jax frowned.

"How're you sick?" She asked.

"I was born sick." Ezra told her.

Her already large eyes widened. "That mean you can never get better?" She asked.

"She is better." Mother lied.

"Then why she gotta take medicine?" Jax asked, with a confused look on her face. Ezra smirked and crossed her arms over her chest. Waiting for her mother to answer the question.

"W-Well..." She stuttered.

Ezra smirked and finished for her, "I'm better but if I'on keep takin' 'em I'ma get sick again."

"Oh." She breathed. "That makes sense."

Then suddenly she frowned again. "Can't Ezra stay with us longer than two weeks?" She asked. "I get lonely when y'all both are at work."

"You know nothing about Ezra!" Their mother snapped turning around to give Jax a terrifying glare."You do NOT want her to stay!"

Jax had flinched then kept her head down. Even when their mother turned back around. She cowered as if she were going to get hit.

Ezra remembered when that was her.

She would cower to stop her father from hitting anything important. But for some reason she didn't think they would actually hit Jax.

So why is she so scared?

Published: 11-24-17


Let's clarify things before we end.

The main character of this story is diagnosed with the mental disorder schizophrenia. Therefore prepare yourself for the following :

· hallucinations · voices · psychotic episodes (nothing too major) · etc. and lastly · abuse

I'll try to add trigger warnings at the beginning of chapters. But most things that trigger people don't trigger me so I apologize in advance.

And that's about it. Thanks for reading! ❤️ I'll most likely be updating this pretty fast since this is one of my old stories that I wrote.

It'll be somewhat like my other book "The Note" but probably better. 😏

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