CHP - 11

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A Peaceful Haven

^[Ezra in media]^

Ezra groaned and opened her eyes, blinking a few times to get used to the light coming from her window. It hit her then, that she slept through the night. She looked down at the sleeping Jax on her chest and realized it was because of her. Her breathing, and her warmth, relaxed her enough so she was able to sleep.

It was hard to believe... the person she was last in a relationship with couldn't even do that...

Ezra looked at the time to see she was almost late for work. With a small sigh she sat up and left the room, leaving the sleeping Jax in bed.

* * *

Ezra slid her earphones to her neck and turned her music off as she neared the house. She still had on her work shirt, and smelled just like store she worked in, like dust and chemicals.

The house came into view and she slowed down a bit trying to remember if her parents were home or not. She reached the door before she could and walked through to see Jax sitting at the kitchen table, she seemed to be waiting on her.

"Aye." Ezra said. "You want something?"

Jax looked up at her.

"Where'd you go all day?" She asked.

"To work."

"No. I mean... after work. You almost always leave for a long time. Where do you go after?"

Ezra stared at her for a sec, debating on whether to tell her or not. Jax stared at her hopefully with big eyes, while biting her lip.

Ezra grabbed her hand and pulled her up.

"C'mon. I'll show you."

Her eyes widened to a great extent and she grinned at her. "Alright!" She said with excitement. She quickly slid on her converse and pulled a black sweater over her red shirt.

"Black and red the only colors you like?" Ezra asked Jax, amused. She frowned and looked down at her black jeans before chuckling.

"No! I just... I like them most."

Ezra smiled and pulled her out the door keeping hold of her hand as they walked down the side walk. Jax's hand was cold in hers and she assumed the rest of her was too, because she leaned against Ezra as they walked. Neither of them said anything as the breeze hit them.

And Ezra noticed that Jax would sometimes purposely step on the crunchy leaves.

That made her smile, everything Jax did reminds her of a kid. She realized it was because her childhood must've been ripped from her.

Ezra didn't know what Jax's biological parents did to her, or even if they did anything at all. But she was pretty sure they had, and that it was bad. She seemed abused, and what kind of parents don't send their child to school?

"Are we there, yet?" Jax asked impatiently, pulling Ezra out of her thoughts.

"Do it look like we there?" She asked, annoyed.

"I dunno. Where we even going?" Jax asked.

"We almost there." Ezra told her.

By now they had been walking for almost twenty minutes. Jax continued to complain quietly. As they walked the houses got farther apart and more trees popped up in between them. After a few more minutes the side walk stopped and so did the houses. It was just trees.

Ezra pulled Jax through and held her close to her as the branches slapped her face and arms. Jax pressed her face into Ezra's side and Ezra weaved through the trees carefully so she wouldn't get hit. Then finally she pushed a branch aside and saw a clearing. She pulled Jax through and she smiled. There was a small swing set and monkey bars with a slide attached, they were old and seemed to be abandoned years ago.

Ezra pulled Jax to the middle of the clearing, where the sun was shining brightest and laid down, pulling her down with her. She slid her earphones off her neck and put one in her ear and the other in Jax's. She took her phone out and scrolled through her music. 95% was rap and old-school, but a few weren't.

There was Chari' Joy, a artist. Her music was calming and beautiful, Ezra figured Jax would like it a lot more. She put on her cover to PND's "Joy" and watched her smile form.

She closed her eyes and laid a hand on her belly, her other still intertwined with Ezra's.

Ezra let her own eyes shut, and instead of music, she listened to Jax's soft breathing. They laid there for hours listening to music.

The forest itself was silent, which was perfect. Ezra allowed her mind go blank, the only thing she focused on was Jax's breathing. Everything was quiet, she would've been able to hear it if there were singing birds in the sky. It was very peaceful, the music calmed Jax down like it did Ezra, and she never once asked a question.

It took Ezra a while to notice that Ezra's head slowly found it's way to her chest. And once she did, she didn't care, that way she could hear her breathing better. She wrapped a arm around Jax, pulling her close to her chest and her breathing got even softer, more relaxed.

Ezra was sure she had a few minor cuts by the many sharp branches, it was easier to come out unscathed when she went by herself. But it was worth it. Having Jax here made everything so much better. She was happy to share her safe haven with her, she had spent so much of her life alone. And it felt good to be with someone else.

Ezra opened her eyes slowly and realized it was getting dark. It must've been about six o'clock. She sighed softly and pulled the earphones off her and the almost sleeping kid.

She let out a complaint.

"We gotta get home now. Your dad's finna get off work in about an hour or so and we gotta make sure we there before him."

Jax frowned and sat up. "Just a few more minutes?" She asked.

Ezra gave in and nodded. Jax laid her head back on Ezra's shoulder and closed her eyes again, not bothering to put the earphones back in.

Ezra let her eyes shut again, slowly counting in her head. In five minutes they'd have to leave, and she didn't have her watch on.

She felt Jax pull down her bandanna and she opened her eyes to see her hovering inches from her face, her curls tickling her cheeks.

Ezra gave her a confused look, but before she could ask her what she was doing, her soft lips were pressed against hers.


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