CHP - 28

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Hold Me Tight

^[Ezra in media]^
Jax's Point of View

Jax gasped and sat up in bed, feeling dried tears on her cheeks. It was just a nightmare, it can't hurt her any more, they can't hurt her any more. She's home, she's safe. She sniffled and wiped at her eyes with the heel of her hand.

She sighed softly. Then noticed she was still wearing her jewelry, so she took them off, seeing the angry red lines they left behind.

Looking around the room, she saw that it was dark out, and her alarm clock read 10:00.

She didn't want to go back to bed, she might have another nightmare again.

She picked her blanket off the bed and wrapped it around her shoulders. It was thin, tender, and red, her favorite blanket.

She slipped off her bed and walked across the cold wooden floor. Hopefully Ezra wouldn't mind if she sleep with her tonight, she usually lets her, but sometimes she makes up excuses.

Jax left her room and took the seven steps to Ezra's. She put on her best sad face, enlarging her eyes, with her lips set in a pout while trembling, then knocked gently on the door.

There was no answer, so she went ahead and knocked again, a little harder. "Ez?"

Still no answer. She pouted, for real this time. There's no way she's asleep, she never falls asleep this early, sometimes she doesn't even sleep.

She opened the door into darkness, then turned on the light. The bedroom was deserted. She sucked her teeth in disappointment and walked into the room closing the door behind her.

She'll probably come home soon, and she might be upset if she's in her room. She frowned and bit her lip slightly, before deciding to risk it. If she slept in her own bed, she'll just think of her parents, and she hated doing that.

She turned off the lights and dropped her blanket on the floor. She got into Ezra's bed. She shifted so she could grab the blankets underneath her then kicked her feet into them.

Ezra's bed wasn't as comfortable as hers. The pillows were old and weren't as fluffy, her blankets were heavy and if she moved wrong she could feel the springs digging into her back. But, she liked it any way, it smelled like her.

Like soap, and happiness. Okay, maybe happiness isn't a smell, but if it was, it would smell just like Ezra does when she's with her.

She sunk deeper into the mattress, pulling the blanket up to her neck. Ezra's bed made her feel safe, even when she's not in it, like nothing could touch her. Her bedding always smells clean, so she wonders sometimes, if she touches herself in bed. She doesn't seem like the type to, so it's hard to picture her doing it, but Jax thought everyone does it. So, she wonders if she ever thinks about her when she does, she hoped so.

She smiled a little to herself at the thought and closed her eyes. She wrapped her arms around herself and pretended that it was Ezra and not herself. She missed Ezra's touch.

She flipped, so her face was pressed into a pillow and breathed out deeply. Her eyes slowly closed and her arms tightened as she drifted.

* * *

"Aye...." Jax heard softly. It was Ezra, she'd know her voice anywhere, even fully asleep. Her hand was on her shoulder shaking her slightly.

She groaned a little and shooed her with her hand, though in her drowsiness she barely touched her. "I'on wanna get up..." She moaned.

She chuckled softly. "C'mon, scoot over, I can't cuddle with you if I'm on da' floor."

With her eyes still shut, she reached over and grabbed the edge of the mattress in her hands, then used it to pull herself closer to the wall.

She felt the bed dip and cold air as Ezra lifted the blanket to crawl beneath it.

Slowly she let her eyes open and looked over at Ezra, she wasn't wearing her bandanna so she could see her lips. She loved her lips.

She loved her smile. She smiles really big, and it shows all her perfect teeth. They were really white and super straight, which sometimes annoyed Jax in a away because she had braces for two whole years and her teeth didn't even turn out that straight. Ezra's canines were sharp which, all and all, made her smile so unique.

She was wearing a shirt, which made her a little annoyed so she pouted and tugged at the hem, "Why you wearing a shirt to bed?"

"Why you sleeping in my bed?" She retorts, wrapping her arms around her and laying her face next to hers on the pillow.

"Well... uh..." She stopped, "Fuck it! Just take your shirt off, I'm too tired for this shit!"

Ezra rolled her eyes with a chuckle. "Nah. Now tell me why you in my bed."

Jax frowned. "I... I had a nightmare and I thought I'd sleep better in here. I always do."

Ezra smiled slightly then frowned. "What was your nightmare about?" She asked.

Jax could tell her another stupid story about someone trying to hurt her or something. But she didn't want too. She could tell Ezra actually cared and wanted to know. She was sick of keeping things in anyway so she took a deep breath and hid her face in Ezra's neck.

"It was about my biological parents." She mumbled against her skin. She felt her tense up and her arms tightened. "I-I dream about them all the time, especially when I'm upset."

"Tell me about it." She said quietly.

"It was a memory of them. I have the same dream a lot. It just replays over and over, I can't forget the shit, and I want to forget it."

"Tell me." She repeated. "Tell me 'bout it."

Jax took a few deep breaths and closed her eyes. She explained all that went down.

She felt like she wanted to cry.

"I didn't really understand what happened. I was only seven so I guess I went into denial. I didn't wanna believe he was dead or that my momma was the one who shot him." She stopped herself short with a muffled sob. "I asked, I-I know I asked her what happened but she just yelled at me. And then I heard sirens and she started freaking out. She started yelling at me, saying shit was my fault that she wished..." She trailed off and felt tears coating her cheeks.

"She pointed the gun at me but the door opened. I-It was these policemen and.... and they told her to put the gun down, but she didn't. S-She... She just shot herself then I woke up."

She cried and clung onto Ezra, dripping tears onto her shirt. She was still holding her just as tight and they stayed like that for a while. Then she slowly pulled back, loosening her grip.

Ezra reached over and wiped away her tears then pressed her forehead gently against hers. "Listen..." She started.

"Okay..." Jax forced out, while sniffling.

She moved a hand to her face and ran a hand over her cheek. "I'm not gone ever let anything bad happen to you again, ya' feel me?"

Jax nodded slowly and she kissed her lips. She pulled back after only a second and moved her so she was laying down again, pulling the blanket back over her. She got comfortable again and wrapped her arms back around her tight.

Jax let her shirt go and closed her eyes. Ezra pulled her close, so she was against her chest.

"I promise." She whispered.


These and the next few chapters are the calm before the storm hits. 😬

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