CHP - 5

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Always Alone

[Wattpad removed image]

"Wake up Ez!" Jax's voice hit Ezra's eardrums.

She blinked a few times before groaning loudly, pulling the blankets over her head.

"Ez! C'mon!" She whined attempting to shake Ezra awake, but failing miserably.

"It's three a clock in the afternoon!"

"It's not my fault. I ain't get much sleep last night." Ezra mumbled into her pillow.

"Why not? You had a nightmare?! I be getting nightmares a lot. They scary, and last night I had a bad one. What was yours about? Did something try to kill you, in your nightmare? Do you have nightmares every night? Sometimes in mine–" Ezra cut her off.

"I didn't have a nightmare." She lied turning her head to the side so she could look at Jax. "Could you grab me that bag?" She asked pointing to the Ziploc bag next to her foot.

Jax handed it to her and she sat up before swallowing a pill from each orange bottle. Downing them with a warm water bottle.

"Then why couldn't you sleep last night?"
Jax asked her.

"I have insomnia."

Jax tilted her head. "Whaa–?"

Ezra groaned.

"It means I gotta hard time getting myself to sleep. I have pills for it but they trigger my bipolar disorder. So, I'on like when I take them."

She kept her face blank and stared with a lost look. Ezra put her face in her hand.

"Really?" She mumbled. "It's hard to explain but it makes me really mad then sad and so on."

"Oh..." Jax said with a huge frown on her face. "Well how do you get happy again?"

"These meds." Ezra said simply.

Jax frowned. "What else makes you happy?"


Jax then stared at Ezra, and she figured she was waiting for her to say something else.

"...I-Is that it? Music and meds the only things that make you happy? What about your friends? Don't you got friends that make you happy?"

"I don't have friends." Ezra grumbled.

"Oh... I don't think I do... if I don't count online ones. But I mean, you never had friends?"

"Well I had one. But only for 'bout a week."

"What happened?"

"I tried to kill her." Ezra stated then quickly shut her mouth. Jax's jaw dropped. "Shit! I ain't mean to say that! Don't tell 'em I told you!"

"Why'd you do that? What'd she do to you?"

"... It's complicated. Just know I ain't mean it."

"Then why'd you try to kill her?"

"Curiosity killed the cat Jax." Ezra told her,
her voice hard.

"... Alright." She mumbled and Ezra thought she would leave. But she sat down by her. "I'm hella hungry. Can you make me something?"

Ezra stared at her with a confused look.

She didn't scare her?

She's sitting there, happy. With a giant grin. After she told her she tried to kill someone.

Why doesn't she scare her?

For most people one look at her terrifies them. But she didn't even intimidate her?

"Uh... sure." Ezra mumbled and stood up.

Jax got up too and took a hold of her hand, pulling her out her room and into the kitchen.

"I want noodles!" She grinned, grabbing a bag of Chicken ramen from the box. Ezra took the bag from her and looked at her, confused.

"You ain't allowed to use the stove or something?" She asked.

She nodded her head. "Something bad happened last time." She told her guiltily.

"What–Never mind." Ezra grumbled and placed a pot of water on the stove. She leaned against the counter and crossed her arms.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw a half-inch long bump on her arm. She uncrossed her arms and brought her arm up to her eye.

Her eyes widened as more appeared. Then more and more popped up, running across both arms. Then suddenly an immense pain filled her. Like hundreds of bugs were biting her underneath her skin. She let out a blood curdling scream.

"Ezra!? What's wrong!?" Jax screamed but her voice sounded so far away.

The pain made Ezra fall to my knees. The pain and the bugs refused to stop.

"Make it stop! Make them stop! GET THEM OFF!" She shouted loudly.

Then she began to claw at her arms, barely able to feel her sharp nails digging into her skin. Red liquid began to stream down her arms and somewhere in the distance Jax screamed. As her nails teared their way into the flesh of her arms, she watched as hordes of blood stained bugs flew out of the cuts. But she felt there was more, so she kept clawing, and Jax kept screaming.

There was a loud slam and Ezra was pulled out of her trance. She turned her head to see Mother standing there, and she wasn't happy.

Ezra just sat there, on her knees with blood running down her skin, until Mother grabbed her by her blood stained collar and pulled her to her feet. She grabbed Jax's hand and pulled them through the hall and into the bathroom.

She made Ezra sit on the edge of the bathtub and grabbed two white towels from the bathroom cupboard. She laid one on each arm and pressed down on her right arm. Then she turned to the shocked Jax in the doorway.

"Put pressure on her other arm." She ordered.

She didn't move.

"Now!" She yelled, causing Jax to move from her state of shock. She got on her knees and put her hands on the towel then pressed down.

Mother took the towel off her right arm and pulled a bottle of alcohol out of the first aid kit. She unscrewed the lid, with bloody fingers and dosed Ezra's arm in the cold liquid.

Ezra hissed and bit down on her lip until she tasted her blood. Mother gave her a look.

"You know it doesn't hurt you sadistic fuck."

She slammed the bottle on the counter and pulled gauze from the first aid kit. She wiped the blood that ran and quickly wrapped her arm.

Ezra felt herself getting dizzy from the loss of blood. And she could still feel the burning pain in her arms. Mother moved to her other side and replaced Jax's hands with her own.

"Go to your room Jasmine." She ordered.

"Bu–" She started.


Jax got up clearly upset and stormed out. Mother wrapped Ezra's other arm before looking at her with cold eyes. Ezra struggled to keep her gaze, her eyes longing to shut.

"Do you realize how much blood you lost?"

She didn't answer her. Her gaze softened and she laid her hand on her shoulder, gently.

"We should take you to the hospital but we can't do that. Can we?" She asked softly.

"I'm trying..." Ezra muttered through grit teeth, tears of frustration clouding her vision.

For a while she didn't say anything, then finally.

"I know." She whispered and Ezra saw tears in her eyes. She ran her hand through her curly mane and got up. Leaving her alone. As always.


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