CHP - 19

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My Insanity (The Cause)

Ezra let go of the knife, looking up at his face as he slumped over and fell to the ground. She stared at him, shocked as the blood ran from his chest, forming a puddle on the ground.

She was shaking and didn't dare move.

She didn't know how long she stayed there, unmoving, staring at him, but at some point she heard the front door open.

Her ma's laughter echoed into the room. "Ezra, baby, how was your night?"

She didn't answer.

"Ezra?" Her voice didn't seem as happy this time. She heard her step closer to her and than her scream pierced her ears.

"What's wrong!?" Her dad asked as he quickly ran over to them both.

She didn't look at them but knew what they saw. What they were all seeing; Jason's body laying limp and bloody on kitchen floor.

Suddenly there was a strong grip on her arm. She cried out as she was yanked and looked up to see her father glaring down at her.

"What did you do!?"

"I-I..." She didn't know how to answer.

"What the fuck did you do!?" He screamed.

She could feel the tears start to fall from her eyes. "I dunno!"

"What do you mean you don't know!?"

"You're hurting me daddy!" She cried out at him, her sight getting blurry.

"He's not breathing!" Mother called out.

Her father's grip got incredibly tighter than suddenly he let go, flinging her into the wall, the back of her head hitting the hard surface, causing her to scream loudly.

She fell to a crumpled heap on the floor and blinked, trying to make the tears go away so she could see. There was a burning pain in her head and it felt wet. Why was it wet?

"24 Ashton Strt. Come quickly." Her mother's voice broke through her haze.

"Will that even help!?" Her dad screamed.

"What'd you do to him!" She heard. But she couldn't tell who said it. She couldn't tell who's talking anymore. Her eyes started to close, keeping them open became hard.

"He's going to be fine!"

"You fucking stupid?!"

"She didn't kill him! She's just a little girl!"

"That's my brother! Ezra's fucking insane!"

"You could go to jail for hitting her!"


Ezra groaned, loudly. Their screams were hurting her ears, and her head. A siren sounded and she clamped her hands over her ears, wanting it to stop. Wanting everything to stop.

Everyone was still screaming, and it became too hard to make out words. She could hear the door open again and more voices, then more shouting. Suddenly a hand was on her arm. She was being pulled up. But she fought against the source, not wanting to be touched.

"No! No! Don't touch me!" She yelled, fighting to keep her eyes open. She kept having to blink and her eyes wouldn't focus.

In front of her was someone dressed in all white, it seemed like a woman.

"Sh... it's going to be okay." A voice told her, she knew it was a girl. It sounded reassuring.

"What you doing!?" Someone else yelled.

Was it her dad?

"Until we find out what exactly happened we're going to need to-"

"She killed him! That's what happened!"

"What happened to the girl?"

"She was shoved into a wall!"

"By who?"


She heard her mom shout again and her eyes kept opening then closing, she felt so tired. She wanted to be in bed. Why couldn't she be in bed? This wouldn't happen if she went to bed.

She felt as if she was being laid down. It made her even more tired and she fell asleep.

* * *

Ezra gasped loudly and she sat up, breathing heavily. She looked around the room wildly, only seeing blackness. After a long while of just staring at the wall in shock she calmed down enough to realize she was in her own bed, in her own house and she was no longer eight years old.

She let out a sigh and laid back down, slowly.

Jax was asleep next to her, completely oblivious to her mini freakout. Her breathing loud, but calming and safe. She's never had a nightmare while sleeping with Jax before. For some reason she helped her get through the night, and she thinks she does the same for her. But this time she had a nightmare anyway, even though she was about as close to Jax as she could get.

It was that stupid picture.

She never saw the picture before; it was still in the camera when she was sent to an asylum.

Why did Father put it there? To punish her? Really? She thinks she's been through enough.

But he must want her to suffer until she dies.

She wondered why he hadn't kicked her out yet, he had reason enough to. Maybe he was hoping the picture would get her mad enough to throw a fit and he'd have to kick her out.

But she hasn't actually had many hallucinations or mood swings since she got here. And actually, he had no evidence she ever did. She patched up her walls while he was at work and he never saw her self inflected wounds except today. Or the ones she put on Jax.

She cringed as she thought of that.

She took a few deep breaths and tried to fall back asleep. But it was hard. Part of her was scared to sleep, not wanting to have any memories come alive again. That's all she ever dreamt about, memories. She wished she had Jax's, at least when she'd wake up from them, she'd have peace at the fact they weren't actually real.

All her nightmares are real.

Most are about Les. But she's dreamed about the night she got sent away too many times to count. She dreamt almost every time she slept. That's where her insomnia came from, fear.

She took a few more breaths and tried to concentrate on how adorable Jax was at this moment. That helped a lot, actually, and soon she was able to fall asleep.


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