CHP - 15

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Monkey See, Monkey Do.

^[Ezra in media]^

⚠️ Trigger Warning! Self Harm!
Tread Carefully! ⚠️

Ezra opened her eyes to the harsh sunlight on her face. She forgot to take off her jeans, they were pressed painfully against her hips. Her face was in Jax's red hair. The smell of dye blocked her nose, and her cold feet were pressed against hers. She groaned and pulled the blankets off her.

She was half asleep and really groggy so the blanket ended up all wrapped around her legs. She attempted to free herself and saw the pair of boxers Jax had on laying on the bed. 

She glared down at the sleeping Jax. Her mouth was slightly agape and her cheek was pressed into the mattress. She looked so cute, she couldn't be mad at her. Besides she looked innocent enough, they probably just fell off.

She got up slowly and closed the curtains, then pulled her bandanna back up. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes, and sighed heavily, the alarm clock read 8:00AM. She didn't have any shifts today but of course got up early anyway.

She looked over at the sleeping Jax and smiled. How is it possible to be that adorable? 

With a yawn she left and went to the bathroom. She closed the door behind her and made a mistake as she looked in the mirror.

She sighed as she stared at it.

"You know they hate you, right?" Her reflection reminded her, with a sickly grin. She wasn't wearing the bandanna, though Ezra was.

Ezra glared at her.

"I know." She told her.

"What was that?" She asked. "I couldn't hear you behind that stupid ass mask."

Ezra pulled the bandanna off of her face and let it fall to her neck. Her reflection smirked and reached for the eyebrow razor that was resting on the porcelain  sink, forcing her to do the same. She pressed it against her wrist and Ezra unwillingly mimicked the action. 

She started to dig it into her skin and slide it. Blood started to flow down her arm. Ezra cried out as she suddenly sliced her wrist open.

Her reflection repeated the action on her other wrist and Ezra was crying by now. Her wrists; staining the sleeves of her sweatshirt.

When she gave her back her free will, she clamped one of her hands over her other wrist and cried from the pain. Her teardrops mixed with the blood pouring from her wrists.

"Someone forgot to take their pain medication." Her reflection said in a singsong voice, as blood streamed through her fingers. The liquid flowed and Ezra choked on her tears.

She coughed and blood continued flowing. Her reflection laughed again as Ezra cried, before turning back into a regular mirror.

Jax knocked on the door. Ezra grabbed a towel from the cupboard and held it to her arms.

"Ez... what are you doing?" She groaned from outside the door.

Ezra couldn't answer her.

"Why'd you leave? You don't like cuddling?"

After a while she huffed and yelled out.

"If you not gone answer me, I'll just come in!"
Jax warned.

Ezra quickly moved to block the door, since it didn't have a lock. Jax stormed in before she could. She gasped and her eyes went wide.

"What happened?" She asked.

Ezra didn't say anything as she cried inwardly.

"You can't talk?" She asked. Ezra nodded.

"You open your scars?"

Ezra nodded again.

"You need to go to the hospital."

Ezra shook her head.

"Ez!" She said sternly. "You could die from losing too much blood."

For once she wasn't overreacting. Ezra nodded and put her hand up, motioning sowing something. Jax looked at her confused for a while then once she finally understood she quickly yelled at her, "You not giving yourself stitches!"

Ezra glared at her and she shrunk. "I'll get ma's sowing kit." She said and left the room.

Ezra forced herself to stop crying.

Jax walked through the door and set a small square case in front of her. She opened it to find a handful of needles and a rainbow of thread.

She looked at her wrists and motioned for Jax to turn around. She shook her head. Ezra narrowed her eyes at her and she shrunk back a bit, but still refused to look away. 

Ezra sighed and grabbed a needle then put thread through it. She pulled the towel off but hesitated. She'd never actually done this before. She's cut her scars open multiple times but someone's always stitched it for her. And she always had painkillers. But she didn't get to take any.

She feared she'd pass out.

She looked at the mirror then took a deep breath and stuck the needle into her skin. She bit her lip, hard, so she wouldn't make a noise, but it didn't stop her from groaning. Surprisingly, the needle went through her skin quite easily.

She started to weave the needle through her wounds, pulling the thread as tight as she could. Blood was still flowing, though not as quickly as before. Her hands were drenched and dripping with her blood. And when she finished one wrist, she realized she didn't have scissors.

She looked at Jax through the mirror to see her frozen in her spot, like she seen a ghost. She didn't think she could manage to get her to do anything so she knelt down and opened the cupboard. She grabbed the first aid kit and opened it to find a pair scissors inside. She breathed out a sigh of relief and grabbed them out the kit.

She cut off the excess thread and pulled another piece of thread through the needle. She stood up and started to sew up her other wrist.

Stopping every now and then to hold back a scream. She finally finished and cut the string.

Suddenly it hit her that she should've sanitized the needle. Oops. Infection here she comes.

She grabbed the disinfectant from the first aid kit and a clean washcloth. She dosed it in disinfectant and pressed it against the cuts.

"Jasmine! Honey!? I'm home! Where are you?" Mother called from downstairs.



I might update again today. 😁

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