CHP - 34

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The Innocent Is Two-faced

Ezra groaned loudly as she woke up to the throbbing pain from within her skull.

It felt like someone was hammering nails into her head. She blinked her eyes opened and slowly started to sit up. The hammering got worse as she moved but she ignored it.

She set her back against the wall and put a hand to her throbbing head.

She didn't know what happened after she passed out, or when she did. For all she knew it could've been a week ago. But she knew Father would've done something. Called the cops to get her locked up, or just beat her until she stopped breathing. Though that kinda did happen...

Nothing but her head hurt, so she assumed Father left her alone once she blacked out.

She didn't understand why though.

Ezra placed a hand on the wall and slowly pulled herself up. The pain was dreadful, but she was able to ignore it, mostly. She left the room slowly, walking into the hall and looking around.

"Jax?" She called out.

She waited for a few minutes but no reply came. Where could she be? She opened her room door, but like she assumed, she wasn't there.

"Jax!?" She called again.

Ezra heard a sound coming from her parents room. It wasn't really a reply but it was good enough for her. She slowly followed the noise to see the door wasn't closed fully. She pressed on the door and listened to the creak as it opened, revealing the horror that lay beyond.

The sound she heard was coming from Jax, who was kneeling on the floor. Her back facing Ezra, she was staring at the queen sized bed in front of her. Ezra looked to what she was staring at and her heart dropped into her stomach.

Her parents were laying in bed, still and unmoving, with their eyes still open, staring at nothing. Their bodies were drenched in blood.

"Don't hate me, Ezra." She heard Jax whisper.

Her father, having just come home from work, was still wearing his suit. The shirt under was entirely red, not an inch of white to be seen.

In the middle of his chest, his shirt and skin were torn open, it looked like he was ripped apart by an animal. But, that wasn't the case. Looking close, which Ezra couldn't help but do, she saw it wasn't one wound. It was many smaller ones, so many so close together they bled into one. Each wound was small and exactly like the others.

Her mother, lying next to him on the blood stained bed, was only stabbed once. Just one wound, near the middle of her chest. One small little wound, right above her heart.

Involuntarily, Ezra stepped forward into the room. Her vision blurred as she got closer to the bodies, as tears built up in her eyes. Slowly, she laid her hand on her mother's shoulder, feeling the blood stick to her fingers. Suddenly, she felt more then heard a breath slip from her lips.

"Please," Jax whispered. "I had to. Y'know I did. They was gonna take you away from me. Far away from me, I'd never see you again!"

She turned slowly to look at Jax. Her head was down, shielding her face from Ezra's view. But she couldn't hide the rest of her. Her arms, legs, and chest were all drenched with the blood of her parents. And on her shirt was a smeared, bloody hand print. In her lap, she held the small pocket knife she must've used.

A loud sob left Jax's lips, then another and another. Ezra said nothing to the kid in front of her, she just stared at her and let herself drop to the stained carpeted floor.

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