CHP - 2

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Seeing Things

^[Jax in media]^

Ezra was pulled out of her thoughts by a ticklish sensation on her leg. She looked down to see a small spider slowly crawling up it.

Her biggest fear being spiders.

She swallowed heavily and couldn't take her eyes off of it. Another spider appeared, crawling out of one of her timbs, it followed behind the first one, going faster. Ezra bit her lip as hard as she could as more came out faster than the last...

The first one was still at her knee but more poured out so fast they became a blur. One of them got to the hem of her jeans and disappeared. Her eyes widen and Ezra jumps as she felt it crawl on her bare skin. The wave of them got to the hem of her jeans and started to crawl inside her shirt.

Ezra franticly clawed at and shook the fabric trying to get them all out.

"Get them off! Get them off me!" She shouts as they crawled over her arms. She started slapping at her thighs but it was no use. They would just crawl onto her hands and ran up her arms.

"Make them stop! Get them off!" Ezra panicked.

She then felt a hand grab her upper arm and she was yanked out of the car and thrown onto the asphalt outside. She cried out in pain as she landed, scratching up the palms of her hands in the process. She frantically sat up and looked to see the spiders were gone from her legs.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" Her father yelled. She looked up to see him standing in front of the parked car, steaming with anger.

"You just traumatized Jax! You know whatever the hell was on you wasn't real, so why the hell you react like that?!" He screamed.

Ezra looked at him with a blank face.

"It hurt." She stated.

"Get back in the damn car and if you start that shit again, I'll leave you here witta' broken leg and you'll have ta' crawl home." He hissed.

She pushed herself to her feet wincing as her scratched hands pressed against the dirty road. She opened the car door and got back in.

Jax stared at her, with wide eyes. Ezra slammed the door shut and pulled on her seat belt.

"Y-You alright?" She asked in a small voice.

"Fine." Ezra growled through clenched teeth. But she kept on staring at her causing Ezrah to cringe, "Why you grilling me?" She asked.

"You bleeding..." Jax said.

Ezra turned her hands over and looked at them but they weren't bleeding. She gave Jax a confused look. Jax leaned close and pressed her fingers to the edge of Ezra's wrist. She then looked up at her and Ezra subconsciously held her breath.

She was so close Ezra could feel her warm breath on her face. Jax pulled her fingers off her wrist and turned them so Ezra could see.

Her blood had stained the tips of them.

"Some scars probably just opened up. Na' mean? I'm good." She told her.

Jax frowned and tilted her head.

"You got scars?" She asked with wide eyes, and Ezra took notice that she had golden grills in the middle of her white straight bottom teeth. "Can I see?" She asked with childish curiosity.

Before Ezra could answer their mother turned around and shoved Jax away from her.

"No you can't!" She told her sternly once she was back cowering in her seat.

Ezra wondered if they were mean to her because she was here or were they normally like that to her? She felt a pang of hurt in her chest for Jax. Though she didn't know why, she had it way worse than her. But she just couldn't help feeling bad for her, she just looked so helpless.

The car had stopped and Ezra looked out the window to see they were parked in the driveway of a white house. Out of all the colors it just had to be white. But Ezra knew it was alright because the next time she moves out they'll just move away again and have a big Ezra exorcism.

They all got out and shut the car doors. Their father unlocked the front and they all walked in. Ezra looked around in disgust. Everything was pure white and ultra clean. The house looked like it came out a furniture magazine. The front door had led to the fancy living room.

"Take them timbs off!" Mother snapped at Ezra. "You'll get grass on the tiles!"

Ezra looked down at her timbs, they were partially covered in pieces of freshly trimmed grass. She rolled her eyes and unlaced them, pulling them off, and leaving them on the mat.

Then suddenly Jax appeared beside her.

"C'mon! I wanna show you my room. It's pretty fye." She declared as Ezra stood.

Jax grabbed her hand in hers and started to pull her from the front to the stairs. But their dad seized Jax's arm before she could.

"Jax... that ain't a good idea." He said.

Jax let go of Ezra's hand and frowned.

"Why not?" She asked with furrowed brows.

"You got homework." Father answered.

"But shit's hard!" She declared loudly.

"Go." Father ordered.

"Fine." Jax grumbled and sulked out the room.

"Your room's upstairs." Father said coldly to Ezra.
She assumed he wanted her to go so she grabbed her suitcase and carried it upstairs.

She walked through the long hallway until she got to a door with a sigh on it.


Ezra opened the door to see a small bedroom with only space for a bed and a dresser.

It brought back the small amount of happy memories she had when she was little.

There was only a white mattress and one large cardboard box in the room. She dropped her suitcase on the tile floor and left the bedroom, opening the door next to it.

It was the bathroom.

She walked up to the sink and took off the bandanna followed by her hooded sweatshirt. She was right. Some scars on her wrist had opened and were now covered in dried blood, making her look even more deranged than usual.


Just thought I'd start off with two chapters. 🙂

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