CHP - 9

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A Big Mistake

⚠️ Violence! Read at your own risk! ⚠️

^[Ezra in media]^

"Ez!" Jax's voice shook Ezra awake. "Wake up."

Her eyes opened and she looked at Jax. She was smiling, still in her night clothes. Ezra glared at her. What was she so fucking happy about!?

Ezra stood up and narrowed her eyes. "What you so fucking happy about!?" She snarled.

"Y-You alright?" Jax's quiet voice asked. She sounded innocent and it pissed Ezra off.

"Do I fucking look okay?!" She shouts at her. Then she grabbed the nightstand next to her and flung it. Jax screamed and began to shake, slowly backing away from Ezra.

"D-Did I do something?" She stuttered so quietly that it was almost inaudible.

Why the fuck would she think she did something? Jax's eyes were wide. She looked so innocent. Like she's never done anything bad.

Ezra narrowed her eyes at her.

"Why you fucking grillin' me!?" She growled.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you mad, Ez. Can't I make it up?" She asked coming closer.

That was a big mistake.

Ezra grabbed her by the collar of her T-shirt. And lifted her so her feet weren't touching the ground. Then slammed her against the wall.

She shrieked as her back made contact with the hard surface and made a heartbreaking face. But Ezra didn't care. She glared at Jax, coldly, as tears filled her eyes. She was petrified as tears fell down her face. Ezra felt anger consuming her entire being. She shoved Jax. Enough force to send her flying, and she crashed hard into her bed frame and dropped in a heap to the floor.

She let out a strangled groan and scrambled to get up. Ezra stormed over and grabbed the back of her shirt then pushed her body against the wall. She watched her cry out as the back of her head hit the wall. The anger hadn't yet left Ezra. She yanked Jax's curls but she didn't respond. Her eyes closed and her body went limp. Ezra got angrier when she didn't respond.

She growled and punched the wall beside Jax's head creating a dent in it. Quickly she punched the spot again. Then again and again. Blood became apparent as she kept punching.

Once she got unsatisfied with that she turned around and ripped the drawers out her dresser, throwing them behind her. They hit the floor and her clothes flew everywhere. When they were all out she grabbed the dresser itself and threw that against the wall. She growled for no real reason and threw her bedding and mattress to the floor. Then she turned around and punched a hole in the one wall she left untouched. As soon as her fist collided with the wall, she felt better.

Her anger left and she calmed. She slowly turned around and saw Jax's limp body.

"Jax?" She called. She slowly walked over to her and bent down to her level. She put her hand on her shoulder and shook her.

"Jax?" She whispered. "Fuck... what'd I do!?

"Jax?! Get up! Wake up Jax!" She yelled. And Jax didn't respond to anything she did.

"Shit..." Ezra cussed softly. "I'm sorry. I'm real sorry."

She laid her ear against her chest and could hear her heart beating. It was faint, but there. She was alive. She didn't kill her, yet. But she'd probably die if she didn't get her to the hospital.

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