CHP - 3

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Getting Too Close

^[Ezra in media]^

Ezra grabbed a washcloth and held it under water. Then started to clean up the blood on her wrist. When she was done the cloth was soaked in red. She tied the bandanna back on and pulled on her sweatshirt before she left the bathroom then went down the white carpeted steps.

Ezra walked through the doorway to the kitchen to see Jax with her back facing her, sitting at the island, looking at a laptop.

Their parents currently weren't in the room.

Ezra walked over and sat down in the chair next to her. She looked over at Ezra and smiled.

"You think you can help me with my homework?" She asked with wide questioning eyes.

"Uh... probably."

She turned the computer screen towards her and pointed to the third question. It was simple math. Ezra frowned and looked over at her.

"What grade you in?" She asked confused.

"I'm a seventh grader." Jax responded.

"But you sixteen, right? Ain't you supposed to be in the tenth grade?" Ezra questioned.

"Well, yeah but I didn't start school until I was ten so that was...." She started to count on her fingers, "One, two, three, four, five. Six years ago!" She said, "So I take online classes."

"But why?" Ezra asked as she grew curious.

Jax shrugged.

"My parents didn't send me to school."

"Your parents? Wait... ya' biological ones? Why ain't they send you to school? That don't make no type of sense." Ezra furrowed her brows.

"I'on know. That's why they took me from 'em." She said.

"They? Ya' mean child services?" Ezra asked.

Jax nodded. "They told me my peoples was bad ones. I was put in the system, jumping from home to home. Then I got adopted by yours."

"But I mean....Why ain't they let you go to school?" Ezra asked."Is that the only reason child services took you?" She asked still confused.


"Really becaus–" Ezra starts but Jax cut her off.

"That's the only reason!" She yells. "Alright? Now can you just help me with this shit?"

Ezra didn't understand. She was obviously lying, but why would she lie about that?

"Right..." Ezra drew out as she looked at the laptop. She began to explain the problem to Jax and when she finished she looked at her.

Jax blinked twice and tilted her head to the side with a lost look. "Is it bad that I'on understand half the shit you just said?" She asked.

Ezra sighed heavily and dumbed it down for her and it was then that Jax understood some.

"Oh!" She exclaimed. "I think I got it!"

She counted on her fingers before shoving them in Ezra's face, "The answer's six!" Ezra glared at her, grabbing both her hands from in front of her face and setting them on her knees.

She explained some more and Jax blinked in confusion again. Ezra sighed in annoyance. "The answer's thirty six." She told her.

She grinned. "Thanks," She said and chose the answer. "And the next one?" She asked.

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