CHP - 6

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The B Word

^[Jax in media]^

It's been a few weeks since Ezra moved in.

She's been avoiding Jax as much as possible, afraid that she may have another episode, but so far she hasn't and it's been a lot easier to avoid Jax since she got herself a job. Which was difficult. It's minimal wage but she doesn't have to talk to customers which is a relief for her.

But somehow no matter how hard she tries to avoid her, Jax always finds her.

Ezra can stay out for as long as she wants but at some point she has to go home and when Jax asks to hang she can't say no.

Knocking pulled Ezra out of her thoughts and she opened her eyes before sighing. She just got home and she thought Jax didn't notice.

"Come in."

The door opened and Jax pranced in. "Hey Ez!" She smiled, closing the door behind her.

"Hey." Ezra grumbled. Jax walked over and sat on her bed, bouncing up and down for a sec.

"Might wanna be careful. I'on know if the frame'll hol'up." She told her.

She pouted but didn't stop bouncing.

"You calling me fat?" She asked, pretending to be offended. Ezra simply rolled her eyes.

"Why you still wearing that?" Jax asked Ezra, referring to her bandana.

"What you mean?"

Jax moved closer to Ezra, sitting on her thighs and grabbed onto her bandanna pulling it down before she could do anything.

"I like you better like this."

"Why?" She asked confused.

"Because you look so beautiful."

Ezra had no clue how to possibly respond. Not once was she called that by someone. So, she decided to just stare at Jax for a while. "Um...." Was the only response she could muster.

"You are!" Jax declared. "Don't you know that?"

She just stared at her. Jax placed her hands on her her cheeks with her gaze on her lips.

"Your lips beautiful. You really beautiful. And your scars beautiful, they make you, you." She told Ezra. "And I wouldn't like you if you wasn't you." She smiled at her and Ezra realized she had moved closer and was now practically on her lap.

She couldn't help but finally smile at the grinning kid, Jax grinned even wider at that.

"You even prettier when you smile."

Ezra heard the front door open and tied her bandanna back on. Jax grabbed her arm and pulled up her sleeve to see her bandages.

"When's the last time you changed them?"
She asked.

"Uh... last week. Probably."

She huffed. "You gone get an infection and die!" She yelled dramatically. She jumped off her lap and pulled on her arms. Ezra stood up like she wanted and let her pull her into the bathroom.

"Sit down." She told her and pointed to the edge of bathtub. Ezra obeyed.

She sat and Jax grabbed the first aid kit. She put it down and started to unwrap her bandages, revealing the scrapes. Though, they had healed considerably since she last looked.

Jax ran a cloth under warm water and washed away the dried blood. She wrapped her arms back up and pulled her sleeves back down.

They left the bathroom and went downstairs, seeing Mother starting dinner.

"Hey ma!" Jax smiled. "What you cooking?"

"Creamy Alfredo pasta. It's Ezra's favourite."
She said without looking at Ezra.

"Really?! Ez eating dinner with us tonight!?"

Ezra still hadn't eaten any meals with the family. She wanted to stay as far away as possible from her dad so she won't get kicked out, well in theory. She could still easily fuck up.

"No thanks. I'm not hungry."

Jax frowned and Ezra heard the door open. She exhaled turning to look at the door just in time to see their father walk into the kitchen.

He looked Ezra up and down then glared.

"Shouldn't you be at work?" He hissed.

"I just got home."

"Jasmine." He barked. "What did I tell you about them chains?"

"They're for boys." She grumbled.

"Are you a boy?" Father asked.

"No." Jax sighed.

He held out his hand and Jax dropped both the gold chains she had on into his open palm. Then he dropped them in the garbage. This is another reason why Ezra stayed away from Jax. Father was always harsher on Jax when Ezra was around. Just looking at her made him angry.

He gave Ezra another glare then turned his back, talking to Mother. Ezra walked the few steps to the door and opened it.

"Where you think you going?" He barked at her.

Ezra paused and turned around slowly. "I was just gone–" He cut her off.

"You eating dinner with your family tonight." He ordered and Ezra knew that was final. What game was he playing at? What the hell was he trying to do? Ezra then closed the door and leaned against it. Jax grinned and hugged her.

Ezra saw Father glaring at them. So, she didn't hug Jax back and Jax pulled away, with a pout.

They stood there for a while, in an awkward silence that Jax didn't notice. Until dinner was ready. Mother set the table and they sat down, then Ezra realized why Father wanted her to eat. It required her to take off her bandanna.

Father watched her as she stared at the plate in front of her. She sighed then untied her bandanna, grabbing it before it hit the table. Mother kept her head down. Father looked away in disgust but Jax didn't. She grinned at Ezra.

"Don't y'all agree Ez looks beautiful without the bandanna on?" Jax asked.

Father shoved his plate. "I've lost my damn appetite." He hissed and got up, his chair screeching against the floor. Mother got up, not looking at Ezra and went after him.

Jax turned to Ezra, confused. "Why'd they leave?" She asked.

Instead of answering Ezra put in her earphones and got up. She heard Jax call her but she just turned up the volume and tuned her out.


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