CHP - 26

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Definition of a Brat

^[Jax in media]^
Jax's Point of View

Jax bolted up the stairs and into her bedroom, quickly tossing her shopping bags on her bed. She was about to change when she suddenly remembered her hair was tied. There was no way she could let her mom see her haircut!

She rushed into the bathroom and slammed the door behind her. She grabbed the band from her hair and tugged it. Too quickly, it got stuck.

"Jasmine!" Mother called.

"One minute!" She yelled.

She huffed and went back to furiously tugging at the hairband. She didn't understand why it decided to get stuck at this moment!

"Jasmine?" Mother said softly, knocking lightly on the bathroom door.

Damn, bitch! Leave me alone! I'm in the damn bathroom for a reason!

Jax made an annoyed noise and looked towards the door. "What?!" Jax snapped.

"Are you okay in there?" She asked, and Jax could hear the frown in her voice.

Jax took a deep breath and turned back to the mirror, resuming her tugging. "I'm fine."

"Okay, sorry." Mother said, but Jax could tell she wasn't going to leave. She was going to stay there until she comes out. Well, she was going to see it one way or another anyway.

With a aggravated groan, she ripped the hairband in two and threw it. She walked out the bathroom then stepped into her bedroom.

Mother made a small gasp as she saw Jax and quickly moved to close the door behind her. Jax sat down on her bed and looked up at her guiltily, folding her hands in her lap.

Mother leaned against the door slightly and stared at Jax for a while. Unconsciously she shrunk down from her gaze. She started to shake her head slightly, while sighing softly. "Oh Jasmine, what am I finna do with you, girl?"

"I'm sorry." Jax said.

"I told you I'd take you to the mall after work. You know I don't like you going out by yourself!" She scolded her before sighing, "But I guess I know why you didn't wanna go with me."

"I'm sixteen." Jax declared. "I'm too old to be going to the mall with my momma."

"What if daddy saw you? You got a haircut! A boy's haircut! He gone have a heart attack!"

"Why?" Jax asked. "It's my damn hair! I can do what I want with it. Why would he care!?"

She pushed herself off the wall and walked over to sit down beside Jax. She took a deep breath and softly said. "Because... Ezra dresses like a damn man! We don't want the same with you!"

Jax looked up at her and frowned. "The way she dress shouldn't matter! And this is how I'm comfortable! Me!" Jax yelled.

"Jasmine–" Mother started.

"Why does dad hate Ez so much!?" Jax cut her off. "That's his child, he should love her!"

Mother took a deep breath and closed her eyes, she turned her head so when she opened them she wasn't looking at Jax. She shook her head slightly, then turned back to her. "Your daddy. Does not hate Ezra." She told her.

Jax opened her mouth to object but she cut her off, "I promise you, he loves her. He loves Ezra more than you can understand."

"Then why does he treat her like he hates her?! He treats her like shit! Like it wasn't his seed that got you pregnant!" Jax yelled.

She took another deep breath and blinked away a few tears that were threatening to spill. "There's... something you don't know about Ezra. Okay? Something I never wanted to tell you. But I think you've got the right to know."

Jax frowned slightly and bit on her bottom lip, waiting for her to continue.

"Your daddy and I tried for years to have a kid." She started. "When I finally got pregnant we was so happy. When Ezra was born we loved her so much. We bought this big house and made her a nursery, I didn't have a job so I stayed home with her, and loved her. But the older she got... the more we saw she was... different."

"We ignored it until one day, when Ezra was eight... she did something bad. Something I can't tell you just yet. But it was hard on your daddy and me, but even worse on Ezra. We got a few choices and what we chose haunts us to this day. It was wrong and Ezra's paying the price..."

She paused to calm herself down.

Tears were running down her face and she forced herself to take some deep breaths. There was a frown on Jax's face, and she had to bite her tongue to stop from interrupting her.

"Ezra didn't go to a boarding school. We sent her to a mental hospital." She admitted.

"What!? For why!?" Jax screamed, unable to stop herself from blurting it out.

"We thought it would help her... but it didn't. She was sent away for three years and when she came back we were so excited to have our baby back." Mother stopped and breathed.

"But the hospital didn't fix her, didn't make her better. They messed her up. She'd talk to people who wasn't there and cut herself with her nails, no matter how short I cut them. She was distant and refused to talk. She hated us for what we did to her. What we did to her. So, we did the only thing we could, we sent her back. After a while we realized it was a dumb decision, but it was far too late. We didn't have a kid anymore and we wanted one so badly. So, we decided to adopt a child who needed us. One we could help."

Jax frowned. "You got me so you could fix me, 'cause you failed at fixing your own kid!?"

Tears started to fall from her eyes again. "I'm sorry. I know we haven't been the best but we trying as hard as we can. The reason we get so upset when you with Ezra is because we scared you'd turn into her. It sounds stupid, I know. But it wasn't just Ezra's hallucinations, it was the fact that she wouldn't talk to us. She kept acting up, and she hated us. I just don't want you like that." Mother told Jax, wiping her eyes.

"She my sister. I love her and I love being around her. I don't got nobody else! I don't go to school and you don't let me out the house! I don't have friends! Ezra's all I got and I love her. And I'm a tomboy! I love boy shit, grills and chains! I'ma keep wearing 'em! And the reason she acted that way is because you sent her to a asylum when she was eight! I don't care what she did, that's a fucked up thing to do to your kid! And then you just gave up on her! Y'all asses barely tried!"


"Get out my fucking room!" Jax yelled

Mother's eyes widened. "Excuse me?"

"I said get out! Get out my room!" Jax yelled.

She got up and stood in front of her. "Jasmine, look... calm down." She said softly.

"What the fuck? No! I hate you! Go out my fucking room!" She screamed.

"No! Baby girl, please... just–"

Jax started to purposely yell to drown out her mother's voice, while squeezing her eyes tight and bringing her hands up to her ears.

Mother knelt down in front of Jax and grabbed her arms. "Jasmine!" Her voice hit her ears, slightly audible through her yelling.

"Get out! Get out my room!" Jax screamed as she felt tears slip down her cheeks.

She breathed angrily as Mother left her room, shutting the door on her way out.


See? I wasn't gone long. 😇

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