CHP - 30

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Getting Better

^[Ezra in media]^
Ezra's Point of View

"Ezra Hayden, Mrs. Hall will see you now."

Ezra stood up and walked through the door the receptionist pointed to.

Mrs. Hall was sitting down at her desk, and she turned to her as she walked in.

She had dark brown hair that was pulled into a slick but messy bun. She was wearing a pencil skirt and a blouse. She looked a lot different than the therapists she'd met at the asylum.

They looked mean and judgemental, but she didn't. Yet, looks could be deceiving.

Ezra walked across the room to the uncomfortable looking chair in front of her desk.

"Your parents gave me your file from a mental hospital." She said as she sat down.

"I... ain't even know they had that." Ezra said.

She opened her desk drawer and dropped an overflowing folder on her desk. "It's a very interesting read. But it's missing lots of information and looks as if it's done by multiple people. It also says you've seen seventeen different therapists but each one for no more than three months. Do you know why?"

The way she said it made Ezra feel like she knows the reason. She just wants her to repeat it.

"The asylum I was at was overpacked. We had a small staff and people kept quitting. If you wasn't dangerous than you was ignored. I was, none of the workers paid attention to me, 'cause I wasn't much a threat to anyone. But I'd have these... hallucinations so I'd end up hurtin' myself. When that happened the staff was forced to do somethin' 'bout it. So they'd change my meds, which led to mo' hallucinations so they put me in therapy. But I barely had any sessions befo' they decided that someone else needed it mo' than I did. That happened 'bout all the time."

She was writting down what she was saying, and it was truly annoying. Ezra wanted to yank it out her hands and smack her with it.

"Someone who needed it more than you?" She asked. "What do you mean by that?"

"Kids who hurt others, not just themselves."

"Was there a lot of violence there?"

Ezra then laughed.

"We was all insane." She narrowed her gaze. "So, yeah. There was a lot."

"I'm sensing some hostility. Is it because I'm a therapist or because you don't like speaking about your past."

"The hostility's 'cause I'on like answering questions you already know the answer to."

She smiled and leaned back. "You seem very intelligent. That's interesting seeing how you didn't get much of a education. Can you tell me about that? The details aren't written here."

Ezra sighed. "Like I said it was understaffed. The hospital was for minors so there was supposed to be a school. For the first three years I was there it was okay. There was too many kids and there was only three teachers, even though we was all in different grades. Elementary school was in one room, middle school in another and high school in the next. The teachers didn't know all subjects so some was jus' reading from the book."

"We wasn't allowed scissors or anythin' sharp. Everyone just got one pencil and sometimes some kid still managed stab to themselves or someone else with it and they'd have to go back to their room for the rest of the day."

"We was underfunded too so the books we got was old and we ain' have desks, but we still managed to learn kinda' okay. But teachers kept quitting 'cause some kids would start fights or stab someone and it scared them."

"Then one day all 'em quit and the staff couldn't find others. So...we jus' ...ain' have school no more. But I made it to fifth grade."

"They just... stopped the school?" She asked, shocked.

"Well, yeah..."

"Your parents told me you have a job, was that hard to get with your lack of schooling?"

"It's minimal wage, they didn't bother asking me if I graduated." Ezra grumbled.

"What are your plans for the future?"She asked.

"Well... I'll jus' get m'self a cheap apartment, walk to work, and be careful spendin' money."

"You don't want to go back to school? You could try online schooling and once your finished go to college and get a better job."

"Nobody gone hire my ass."

"Why do you say that?"

"...Maybe because of the fact I got tattoos everywhere and I'm insane?"

"Okay, point taken. I think you'd benefit more from starting from the bottom."

Ezra rose an eyebrow. "What you mean?"

"I'd like you to tell me why you were sent to the asylum." She told me.

"I killed my uncle with a knife." Ezra hissed.

"I need more details than that. I want your side, there's no point in hiding, it's all in this report and your mother told me about it."

"Fine. I was eight. I met 'em once, he brought me to the beach. Hated it. And I ain' like him. He was always sitting too close or he kept putting his arm around me and asking me dumb ass questions. So, the next day, when my parents went out and they told me he was going to babysit me I was upset. But my dad told me he wanted us to get along. So, I jus' let it go. They left and he came over. I... I'on really remember much of what happened after that," Ezra stopped.

"It's okay. Take your time." She said, respectively.

"I... I remember him kissing me down the side of ma' neck. Lower... and... and I remember his hand went up my shirt. I told him to stop but he ain' listen so I tried to hit him, but I was so little... and he was so strong so it ain' do me no justice. I tried to find somethin' to hit him with and my hands grabbed the handle of a knife. He saw and tried to grab it from me, but I ain' wan' 'em having it. I was scared and barely knew what was goin' on so I jus' shoved the blade in his chest."

"You killed him because he was molesting you?"

"Yeah. I'on care that you'on believe me, I'm not going to change my story so don't even–"

"Why do you think I don't believe you?"

"I...Well..." Ezra frowned. "Nobody did."

"I do. I can tell when someone's lying, and I don't think you are. Is that why you were sent to the asylum?" She asked.

Ezra nodded.

"Yeah, my parents ain' believe me so they ain' tell the police that. They jus' said that I killed him fo' no reason. And when I told the other therapists they ain' believe me. They said I was makin' it up because I ain' like 'em."

"It was self defense and you didn't deserve to go to jail for it." She told me.

"Wh–? Th-Thank you." Ezra stammered out,
feeling a bit of relief.

Nobody's ever believed me before, I was actually starting to think I really made it up...

She smiled. "Okay, now I'd like to talk about how your first night there was."

Ezra sighed. "Alright..."

Maybe therapy won't be so bad.


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