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"YOOJAE, tell me about the latest news."

The fidgety secretary involuntarily flinched at the mention of his name. The man in front of him gave him a dark gaze at this, the authority practically oozing from him. Only then he was reminded that he was ordered to do something.

"Ah, yes, sajangnim!" Yoojae squeaked as he rushed to get a certain white folder buried under the millions of files. After he was able to retrieve it, he shakily adjusted his glasses and cleared his throat. "Twice is currently ranked first in the Girl Group brand reputation rankings without any comebacks this month. They also received 100,000 preorders for their upcoming album and have officially been declared as the new Nation's Girl Group, replacing Sonyeo Shidae."

He stared up at the man, waiting for his reaction. 

"Nation's Girl Group, huh? Not for long." The CEO of SM Ent.— Kim Youngmin— chuckled darkly. The sound made Yoojae's stomach churn in fear. "Call for Red Velvet, Yoojae. Blood is about to be shed."


"Unnie!" Yerim yelled while chasing Wendy who stole her phone. "Give it back! Argh!"

Wendy slowed down and stopped in her tracks. She turned to Yerim slowly, frightening the younger. Quietly but audibly, she muttered in a sultry voice, "Catch me if you can." Then continued running.

Irene, unfazed by her dongsaeng's actions, rolled her eyes and continued washing the dishes. "How about you guys help me here instead of chasing each other? Lazy asses." She sighed.

Suddenly, Seulgi's voice rang throughout the entire dorm. "The company is calling! The text says it's urgent!"

Seconds after she said those words, the remaining four girls ran into the room where she was in panic.

"Did we do anything wrong?"

"Did they find out I farted in the recent meeting?"

"Is the CEO finally leaving?"

"Are we finally getting good promotions?"

"Guys, just shh!" Seulgi frantically waved her hands to shush everyone, the gesture making her look like a lunatic. "Don't ask me, idiots. Just answer the phone, will you?" She then rolled her eyes and handed Irene the phone.

"Well, you should've just answered it a while ago!" Joy glared at her. "In that way, we wouldn't be panicking."

"Sorry to burst your bubble, Sooyoung, but I was waiting for our leader."

Irene cleared her throat, an attempt to silence the bickering girls. "Let's just answer the call and find out." She swiped the phone screen to the right and pressed the loud speaker. "Hello, sir. This is Irene."

"Hello, Irene. Where are you now?" The voice of the secretary, Shin Yoojae, asked in his usual cracky voice.

"All of us are at the dorm, sir. Is there any problem?"

"That's good." Silence. "The ceo wanted to talk to you about something important. Come to the main building in an hour."

Call ended.

"Guys... I think we're in deep shit."

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