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Bright light filled her vision as soon as she opened her eyes.

She squinted them and waited as they adjusted to her surroundings. It took her quite a while, as she probably slept for more than fifteen hours or so.

As soon as they did, she realized that she was in a bedroom. Everything was too white - white bedside table, white lamps, white blinds, white walls, white pillow cases, white comforter, white everything. She found it too bright.

She stood up from the bed and went to the door. Only then she noticed that she has her old clothes on. So, that idiot didn't even bother. She thought while rolling her eyes.

The girl didn't know what to expect when she opened the door. She was greeted by a sight of another door and when she looked right, she saw a staircase leading downstairs.

Huh, okay.

Obviously, she went down and what she saw almost took the life out of her.

"Oh my God. You're... you're-"

"I know."

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