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"Yes, I am." Sana spoke, going into the alley without any doubt. "Give it back or I'll call the cops." She then showed the thief her phone.

In a flash, the thief threw the phone to the floor and manage to hold her at knife point. The other girls screamed, but that only made the matters worse.

"Scream and I'll murder the both of you." The thief spoke in a familiar voice. Momo tried to recall where she heard that from. The tone sounded angry yet it was laced with pain. "Now, be a good girl and step inside the car."

Sana didn't even notice that there was a car, but she followed the orders anyway while shaking in fear. She wanted to cry but no tears came out. All she could do was look at Momo and Mina.

The thief stopped her from entering and pulled out a rope from the car, tying it to her hands afterwards. What the thief didn't know was that Mina was already carefully picking up Sana's fallen phone to dial the police.

Faster. Momo mouthed as Mina typed in the number. She looked at the car and saw Sana's mouth being ducktaped, making her tear up.

Then the sound of a phone ringing made the thief look at them.

S/he made an inhuman sound that left Momo breathless. Then a knife was thrown at Mina, who was frozen in fear.

It landed on the wall, barely one inch away from her neck. The other girl covered her mouth to contain her gasp, her lips quivering in fear.

Mina could only give one look at her before fainting.

"Do the same thing and I'll pay you a visit on your dorm." was the last thing the thief told her before driving away.

Momo watched the car's almost disappearing lights before kneeling down next to her friend's body, her hands shaking. and her tears silently falling.

She didn't know what to do.

short chapter for y'alllllll hahaha

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