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Dahyun almost fainted when she saw the text.

The part that struck out the most was watch out, girls. Does this mean that everything is connected? That they were pawns of someone's unknown game? It was all confusing to her.

She needed to think. She needed air.

"I'll go outside." Dahyun announced, making Chaeyoung look at her. "Don't bother following me."

She went out as soon as she said these words. The dorm was just suffocating her - too many problems and too many mysteries in one situation. She needed space.

"Dahyun. Wait." A familiar voice spoke behind her. She turned around and saw Chaeyoung running after her.

"I said don't bother following me." She sat down on the little yard in front of their dorm. No one knew their exact location, as to why they feel safe in the area. The thief was probably lying just to scare them.

"But I did. Now I'm here." Chaeyoung sat beside her. "What was that text?"

"What text?"

"The one that you received." Dahyun was about to lie again but the other girl said, "Don't lie. I was sitting beside you and I saw how your eyes widened when you read it."

"It... it was just nothing."

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes. "Yeah, it was nothing but you had to just go outside."

Dahyun felt defeated. "Okay, okay." She huffed. "Someone texted me a few lines from Red Velvet's Peek A Boo song. That's it."

"Huh?" A frown appeared on Chaeyoung's face. "Why would they send that?"

"I don't know."

"Show me the text."

She gave the girl her phone and observed as she read it over and over again.

"18 and 22? What the hell is that?" Her friend asked. "A code?"

"If I knew, Chaeyoung, I would've told you."

"But this seems weird, isn't it? Out of all songs that has weird, scary meanings, they sent Peek A Boo of all things. Why is that?" She put her hand on her chin.

"Maybe it's a prank." The other girl shrugged.

"If it's a prank, then why would they say watch out?"

"I don't know." Dahyun replied. Then her phone made a ding sound.

She opened the text and saw a picture of her and Chaeyoung.

Sitting in their front yard.

In the same position they were in.

Dahyun felt her heart drop.

"Chae!" She shoved the phone to Chaeyoung's hands. "This isn't funny. The thief is stalking us." She stood up.

"What? Where-" Chaeyoung looked around frantically, her heart beating faster than before. "He can't possibly know our exact location. No one but our staff know it."

"He sent us a fucking picture, Chae. He knows." Then, she saw a bush moving not too far away from their dorm. "Chae.. I think.. he's there." She whispered. It was just a guess but she still felt the need to check on it.

"Dahyun, stop." Chaeyoung intervened. "There's nothing there."

She ignored her and slowly crossed the road. She stopped exactly at the middle and observed the bush - yes, she's that stupid.

The bush moved again and she widened her eyes. Dahyun froze as the bush moved continuously.

"Dahyun! Look out!"

She suddenly heard a car honk behind her and turned her head.

A white car was speeding its way towards her. She didn't know why but she froze, her senses becoming numb. She only looked at the car as it became nearer.. and nearer.. and then..

A hand pulled her out of her frozen state, her body falling on the concrete. The car passed by her, still speeding.

"You're so fucking stupid!" Chaeyoung slapped her face. She then started crying and hugged Dahyun. "You almost died..." She sobbed.

"I didn't.. I didn't rea-"

"If it wasn't for me the car would've crushed you." She said through her muffled sobs.

"Chae.. I saw.."

"Huh? You saw what?" The other replied wiping her tears.

"The driver." Dahyun stood up and helped Chaeyoung as well.

"Who was the driver?"


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