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This was a bad idea. A very, very bad idea.

Irene should've just killed them in the first place. Bombed their dorm or poisoned their lunch but no. She just had to be nice.

Now, because of her, the CEO found out what she was planning. Stupid, stupid, stupid Joohyun. Kim Youngmin was probably laughing in his office because of her stupidity.

The realization hit her as soon as Joy said the truth. She was gone, she had said. Who's the possible suspect? That bastard Youngmin, no doubt. Somehow, he knew that this would happen. He knew that one of them was going to try and keep Twice alive.

So he used one Twice member as bait. Nayeon.

"He can't possibly know. We're at Busan, which is 329 kilometers away from Seoul. It's impossible." Wendy tried to reason out.

"He has spies, Seungwan. It's possible." Irene replied while pacing back and forth. "Sooyoung, why didn't you tell me sooner? We could've done something!"

"I tried telling you, unnie, but you didn't listen to me. You told me to mind my own business." She argued. "If it wasn't for you and your stupid plan, I could've saved her."

"And how will you do that then, if you're so smart?" Irene spat back. "At least my plan kept them alive. How about yours?"

"Arguing isn't going to make things better." Jihyo stood up. "Instead, we should plan how will we be able to save Nayeon."

"But I-"

"Can't you keep your mouth shut?" Seulgi snapped at Joy. The other recoiled and leaned back on her seat.

Jihyo cleared her throat awkwardly. The tension between the girls was so thick, she could almost cut it with a knife. "So, first things first, let's talk about the text. Sooyoung said that it wasn't her who sent it, but someone else."

Joy nodded. "Yes. I only sent that one text - which was the lyrics of Peek A Boo. After that, I threw it in a trash can."

"But where exactly did you throw it?" Irene raised her right brow. "Are you sure you threw it in a safe place?

The other girl gulped. "I.. I wasn't careful." She admitted. "After sending the text, I just threw it in a trash can near SM."

"I knew it." Irene cackled. "Thanks so much, Sooyoung."

"Okay." Jihyo let that sink into her head. "Next, Nayeon may or may not be Youngmin's bait-"

"She is the bait."

"Nayeon is the bait. How was she lured by SM? We don't know."

Yeri raised her hand. "I have a theory." She sat straight. "Sooyoung unnie said that Nayeon went outside because someone called her, right? I think, someone probably told her about our mission and that made her go to the company building to find out more."

"Nope. Not to find out more." Wendy interjected. "To tell our CEO."

"How do you guys even guess all of this?" Momo asked, making all the heads turn into her direction. "I feel so dumb now."

That broke the atmosphere.

They all laughed and Wendy replied with, "We know our CEO. He'll do anything to get what he wants."

Yeri nodded. "Besides, who would even kidnap Nayeon? Twice is currently lying low, no one would care to look for you. Everyone thinks you went back to your hometowns."

"That makes sense." Chaeyoung shrugged.

"He's also updated with your schedules, thanks to your CEO who tells him everything." Wendy snickered.

"Anyway, where was I?" Jihyo asked. "Oh, yeah. Nayeon." She frowned. "But why would she go to SM?"

Jeongyeon rolled her eyes. "She probably thought that Youngmin didn't know."

"Hm. I'll consider that." The other girl nodded.

"But where are they keeping her?" Dahyun asked. "Poor Nayeon, she's probaby terrified to death right now."

Irene thought for a moment. "There are hidden rooms in the company. There are also basements and crawlspaces. For sure, she's in one of those."


"So, what do we do now?" Mina asked worriedly.

"Do you know how to use a gun?" Seulgi asked and the Twice members immediately paled.

No one answered.

"I'll take that as a no." She stood up and went to the cabinet that was next to the bed. She opened it and grabbed a box, placing it on the bed afterwards. "Open it."

Tzuyu was the one who obeyed her. Slowly, her hand removed the lid and what she saw inside made her shriek.

"Those- those are-"

"Guns. Yes." Seulgi replied casually. "Take one, each of you."

They did. Even though they were shaking inside, they still did.

Irene stood next to Seulgi. "Girls, forget about being idols. Forget about what manners you've learned, what your parents taught you, everything."

"Starting today, you won't be idols." Seulgi smirked. "You will be killers."

"If the tables won't turn, let's flip them the fuck over."

hope you enjoyed this chapter.

if you don't, well, who knows?

maybe this chapter is the last.


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