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Irene sliced the steak gracefully before putting it into her mouth. She bit into the juicy, tender meat and savored its after-taste as the food entered her throat.

It was a peaceful day for Red Velvet, since half of them have done their own mission. That means after they kill two or three more members, they'll be free. There's no need to kill all of them since Twice are already on the brink of breaking up.

"Seulgi, have you done what you needed to do?" She asked the younger, who looked up at her through perfectly curled eye lashes. They were currently having dinner at a fancy restaurant in Gangnam, a treat from their CEO.

"Yes, unnie. After I took Sana, we went to the hideout and I did what you asked me to." Seulgi replied, sipping on her wine.

"That's very good."

"I almost felt pity for her though. She was screaming and thrashing but then... I didn't have any choice. I just had to do it." She added while shrugging.

"Poor girl." Irene commented. "She should've know what she was getting into."

"Oh, by the way, I've sent the text yesterday." Joy spoke up. "I added a few lines from Peek A Boo as well as the numbers 18 and 22 at the end."

"18 and 22? What does that mean?" Yeri asked.

"Well, if you base it on the alphabet, the 18th letter is R and the 22nd letter is V. RV. Pretty cool, huh?" Joy smirked. "They won't know anyway. They'll think of it as a prank, for sure."

"How about the phone? Did you keep it after you sent the message?" Irene asked.

"No. I threw it in a trash can as soon as I sent it. The only thing that I texted was the threat and nothing more."

"Are you sure that nobody will find the phone?" Yeri raised her brows at Joy. "We can't have anyone sending another message to Dahyun."

"Yes, Yerim. I threw it in a safe place. No one will dig in a garbage can just to find a phone." She replied. However, it was a lie. She just threw it in some random trash can somewhere near their company building.

"Okay, that's good. Very good." Irene smiled at Joy. "Anyway, Yeri's mission is done. Joy's mission is done," Joy looked down. Irene still doesn't know the truth. "And then Seulgi's, Wendy's, and I'm the only one who hasn't done it."

"Wait." Wendy stopped eating and looked at her. "What did you say?"

The oldest frowned. "I said you've done your mission. Why?"

"What? Where did you learn that from?"

"Dahyun texted me last night. She said you almost hit her with your car." Irene looked at a confused Wendy. "I mean, I know it's not yet done because you haven't killed her but it's nearl-"

"Unnie." Wendy interrupted. "I didn't leave the dorm yesterday."

Irene's breath stopped. All of the heads turned to Wendy. "What?"

"I was at the dorm the entire day yesterday. I didn't leave." Wendy rephrased it so they could understand better. "I don't even own a car, for goodness sake."

"If that wasn't you who almost killed Dahyun..." Yeri trailed off, "...then who was it?"

"I don't know."

question: am i going too fast with this story??? cus idk. hahahaha the real drama starts in this chapter doeeee youre in for a whole lot of surprises ;)))

also, i updated two days in a row bc i have to follow my orig schedule cus i wasn't able to update last tuesday. so the next time i'll update is monday

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