+ bonus chapter

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MARCH 18 -- SM ENTERTAINMENT delivered a shocking news this morning: the disbandment of their most-treasured group - Red Velvet.

Rumors have been spreading that the reason why the girls were not seen at award shows was because they disbanded. Majority couldn't believe it, but Kim Youngmin (CEO of SM Ent.) confirmed the disbandment through a Twitter post that he personally wrote.

"I've never thought this day would come. The girls of Red Velvet were the most hardworking persons I've ever met and seeing them leave SM Entertainment broke my heart. However, as their father figure for almost four years now, I respect their decisions and wish them well for the years to come.

Joohyun, Seungwan, Seulgi, Sooyoung, and Yerim, thank you for all your hard work. You've made me proud."

Reasons for the sudden disbandment have not yet been confirmed, but fans are speculating that it's because of the hate the Irene was getting.

Too shallow to be the reason for the disbandment, huh? Guess SM won't be receiving a lawsuit this time. What do you think of this? Comment down below!

Sooyoung snorted after she read the entire article out loud. "Lame." She commented while her bubblegum popped. She dropped the phone on Yerim's lap and stood next to Seulgi.

"You know, that message wasn't too bad. My heart even ached a little." Seulgi chuckled. "Anyway, have you contacted Jeongyeon?"

The other shook her head. "Wait a sec."

Seulgi returned her gaze on the lovely scenery of Gangnam. They were currently in the rooftop of one of the tallest buildings and she was thrilled to be doing the final part of their mission.

Shooting Youngmin's head off.

After months and months of training, the Twice members were able to master the skill of using dangerous weapons. It was hard at first, but they managed. Thanks to their determination on saving Nayeon.

They - Jihyo, Jeongyeon, Momo, Mina, Sana, Tzuyu, Chaeyoung, and Dahyun - were in SM Entertainment, waiting for the right moment to get in there and save their member.

They've set up explosive bombs the night before in the building in case the plan backfires, but no one seemed to expect that their beloved CEO would die today.

"They're in position." Sooyoung came back after a few seconds. "Just tell me what to do and I'll contact them immediately."

"Okay." Seulgi nodded at Irene.

"Yerim, tell Seungwan to lead the couple to the rooftop." The leader spoke to the youngest as soon as she saw the signal.

"Unnie, lead them to the rooftop." Yerim spoke to her headset.

Wendy wasn't with them in the rooftop of the building they were on as she was disguised as a server on the restaurant across the street. Her role was to be the server of Youngmin and his wife throughout their entire date, but that's not all of it. She was going to put Youngmin on the proper position so that the sniper could really hit his brains.

All of them watched as Wendy went out of the elevator, the couple behind her. Though they were far, the girls were able to see Youngmin's smile.

"Okay, ma'am. These are your seats." Wendy spoke with a sweet voice. "Before I take your orders, in this restaurant, we have a ritual for good luck." She smiled. "The man will sit on the left side while the woman sits on the other."

She watched as the couple did what she said and gave them a triumphant smile. "Now, may I take your order?"

Irene smirked before lifting the sniper and positioning the scope on her eye.

Youngmin's head was directly the target.

"Sooyoung." She called, eyes still on the scope.


"Tell Twice to get inside now. The CEO will be killed after a few minutes."

The other nodded and did what she said.

Irene focused her attention back on the CEO.

Slowly, her hand started to pull the trigger.

One... two... three...



hahaha here's a bonus chapter.

i felt sad while seeing your comments so i made this thingy to soothen your hearts.

however, do you think that Irene was able to kill Youngmin?

that's the real question.

it's all up to you.

love, caly

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