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The first thing Jeongyeon saw when she opened her eyes were white walls.

Then a white chair, a white table, a white closet, white everything.

The color was too bright for her eyes but it soon adjusted and she was able to observe her surroundings.

She looked at her right and saw the rest of her members - respectively, Chaeyoung, Jihyo, Mina, Dahyun, and Momo - sleeping peacefully. It would've been a cute sight - especially with Dahyun drooling on Mina's shoulder - if it wasn't for the ropes that were tying their hands together.

Upon realizing the situation that they were in, she decided it was best if she didn't go into panic mode. Instead, she just simply tried to wake her members up using her feet.

They did - eventually.

Jeongyeon had to slap Chaeyoung's face using her foot, but she didn't mind. She was used to it anyway.

"Did someone fart?" Chaeyoung asked as soon as she came into her senses.

"No. That's just how Jeongyeon's feet naturally smells." Jihyo shrugged, earning a glare from the said girl.

"If it wasn't for me, you would've been asleep forever." She rolled her eyes. "Anyway, we need to find a way to escape this place."

Dahyun nodded. "This place feels comfortable though. If I wasn't tied up, I'd think that this was paradise."

"Don't let this fool you, stupid." Momo snapped while struggling to stand up. "Now, all we need to do is to get to the door and op-"

As if on cue, the door opened and revealed the person they never expected to arrive.

"Irene?" Mina gasped. "Oh my God. You're here, you're really here!" The Twice members' heart were filled with hope. Someone finally came to save them.

Irene chuckled. "Yes, I'm here."

"How did you get here? And how did you know where we were?" Jihyo asked, confused.

"That's because I was the one who took you to this place."

Silence filled the room.

"What?" Jeongyeon looked at the girl. "You took us here?"

Irene pretended to think. "Hm. After I put that gas in your room, I did..." She stopped. "Yeah, I took you here." She gave them the creepiest and yet the most beautiful grin.

"Let's stop playing games, Joohyun." Jihyo became serious. "How and why did you take us here?"

The silence returned again and Irene contemplated if she'll tell the truth. Her conscience was killing her, for goodness sake.

She finally gave up and sighed. "Okay. I'll tell you everything."


"A few months back, our CEO gave us a mission. That mission was to kill you." Everyone's breath stopped, except Irene's. "Why? Because of your extreme success. We tried to reason with him, we really did. We even told him that we'll quit being idols just to avoid killing you... but... he threatened us." She blinked in her tears.

"Joohyun..." Mina whispered.

"I don't want to talk about that." She cleared her throat. "Anyways, he had some of his people following us. Checking if we really did the mission because if we didn't, the consequences would be severe." She looked down guiltily. "So we did. We successfully killed Tzuyu, Nayeon, and Sana."

"Yeri killed Tzuyu?" Chaeyoung muttered, tears falling from cheeks.

Jihyo sobbed quietly while Mina, Momo, Dahyun, and Jeongyeon were impassive. They can't let their walls down.

Irene cleared her throat and spoke again. "Or at least, that's what you thought."

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