Once upon a time
long, long ago
in a period sublime
I came to know
a paradigm
so apropos
it changed my lifetime
from the status-quo
It began with a discovery
of a feeling so intense
so unexplained and dreamy
making little sense
and yielding no recovery
hiding no pretense
it was duplicity free
a naturally pure existence
She was an angel come to earth
perfection to the core
could I but prove my worth
would expectation require more
of nerve there was no dearth
and I let my ambition soar
trusting it to find a berth
on her welcoming shore
No feeling could compare
to acceptance in her arms
to find a gem so rare
with no restricting terms
only love to share
and endless charms
extended to my care
belief in self reaffirms
Life passed like time's sand
creating memories to capture
marching to life's band
no misstep or falter
with a legacy to stand
made through joy and laughter
never was there a love so grand
and they all lived happily ever after

The Biggest Competition Ever 2017 - Volume 2 (Weeks 6-10)
PoetryWelcome to Poets Pub's 2nd Annual Biggest Competition Ever - Volume 2. This is a 10 week marathon of poetry contests. Each week we present you with a new poetry challenge, new prompt and new style. Are you up for the CHALLENGE!