the girl who will never write again
Once upon a time
There was a girl who had a rhyme
She rhymed with a shoe
She rhymed with some slime
She rhymed portmanteau
And a chuck, rhymed with prime.
She rhymed up an orange
On a skeet shoot ranger.
She rhymed down a purple saint
With a snap'n turtle.
There was a strange match up
Twixt a fly-boy and a gator.
She even found a way
To tape a potter to a tater.
It was easy peas, she thought
Rhyme just comes - never needs caught - But then, one night, a flea in her ear
Whispered, "You can't write...
You're used up, my dear.
No one cares bout your words, anyway,
Or what you do... or what you say. "
And so she put away her pen.
Maybe she'll take up golf ...or zen.
Not for her - happy life ever after
That damn flea good an' zapped her.
The Biggest Competition Ever 2017 - Volume 2 (Weeks 6-10)
PoetryWelcome to Poets Pub's 2nd Annual Biggest Competition Ever - Volume 2. This is a 10 week marathon of poetry contests. Each week we present you with a new poetry challenge, new prompt and new style. Are you up for the CHALLENGE!