Once upon a time
in a far off place
was the little village of Wattpad
a magical place
Where all the villagers
a reader or writer be
and everyone flourished
in little Wattpad by the sea
Some wrote novels
or essays just for fun
some were journalists
for the 'Wattpad Sun'
playwrights and screenwriters
kept people entertained
in the 'Wattpad Playhouse'
on Literary Lane
Historians and biographers
brought the past back to life
while science fiction and fantasy
thrived at 'Wattpad sci-fi Rife'
The poets and lyricists
with rappers in hand
worked with the musicians
of the 'Wattpad House Band'
Men and women of Letters
penman, wordsmith, scribe
dramatist, tragedians, bloggers
all kept the Words alive
Once upon a time
in a far off place
was the little village of Wattpad
a magical place
Then the powers to be
said, "Let's make a change"
bigger and better
is the name of the game
So the little village of Wattpad
became a metropolis by the sea
building in every direction
with no direction to be seen
We don't like the change
so many of us yelled
but we were ignored
basically told, 'go to hell'
And we drifted apart
as competition arrived
we fought for #1
as inspiration died
Where once we were as one

The Biggest Competition Ever 2017 - Volume 2 (Weeks 6-10)
PoesiaWelcome to Poets Pub's 2nd Annual Biggest Competition Ever - Volume 2. This is a 10 week marathon of poetry contests. Each week we present you with a new poetry challenge, new prompt and new style. Are you up for the CHALLENGE!