The Man

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Ed sighed to himself in the mirror. He grabbed his phone. "Emily, hi." He said as he dialed her phone number. He walked to his room and threw himself on the bed.

Emily was putting earrings in as he called her. Her hair was done nicely and she was wearing new shoes, which gave her friends a sign. "Ed, I'm busy. I have a date." Ed shot his head up. "And he's picking me up in twenty minutes."

"Y-Y-You... You have a date?" He asked worriedly. "It hasn't even been two weeks? W-What why?" He asked. "I just... so quickly?"

"We were friends as kids. I saw him at a bar."

"You were at a bar?" He knew that wasn't like her.

"And he gave me his number and so I took it. Then I went to the gym two days later-"

"You went to a gym? This isn't like you, Emily! What's next, you're watching The Kardashians? Yeah, you're close friends with Kendall Jenner but you never liked that show!" He exclaimed. She sighed.

"And we were talking and were enjoying it very much. He's good to talk to and he's very mature. So he asked me on a date tonight. And I said yes to-"


"Ed let me finish!" She shouted. He sighed.

"I'm sorry. This is just... new. Weird. I've never seen or heard you with a guy after I dated you. I just didn't expect it so soon."

She sighed. "Ed, you might find a date too. Also, why did you call?" She asked as she put her hair back.

"I just... I wanted to say 'hi' and-"

"Ed?" She said. He sighed.

"Emily I'm not taking this so well." He said quickly and honestly. "And right now I'm kind of disgusted you're with another guy. And I thought..."

"Thought what?"

"What about Edward? Would he want it? Knowing his mum and dad didn't make it-?"

"Please don't bring him into this! The guy who I'm with knows about him. We went to school together and everyone in my town knows about it, Ed. And our son..." Tears filled her eyes. "He didn't make it. Either way, it wouldn't be up to him. You get drunk a lot. Would he want that?" She asked. "Would he want his dad to be drinking and smoking and spending a lot of time away from his mother?"

Ed paused. "No."

"Exactly. But... what we do isn't up to him. I wouldn't be a good mother anyway. He wouldn't love me. But... he didn't make it. So it doesn't matter."

"It does matter, Emily! You think he isn't watching over us? That he's just laying in heaven, trying to read that letter I wrote him so many years ago, not understanding what happened to him? No. I-"

"You wrote... you wrote a letter?" Ed sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

"Several. But the day we lost him was different."

She sighed. "He's almost here. I should go. And Ed?"


"Don't, please just don't call me drunk again." She told him. He sighed and nodded. 

"I promise."


They were both wrong. Ed was drunk once again, and he knew what he was going to so since Emily wasn't there to tell him otherwise.

"Tribal tattoos?" She asked Bryce. 

"I have no idea but they mean but I do have tattoos." He said laughing. They were sitting at a bar together and Emily was wearing what she normally wore. A white shirt and blue jeans, though her hair was pulled back into a ponytail. She laughed and took a drink of her beer. 

Multiply - Ed SheeranWhere stories live. Discover now