I Was Made For Loving You

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Ed was in an interview. Ed knew she would mention Emily, just as everyone seemed to.

"So, Ed, you have a girlfriend named Emily, correct?" Ed sank into his chair a bit, biting his lip.

"Yeah. I-I do." Ed rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well, tell us about her!" The interviewer exclaimed. Ed bit his lip as a picture of Emily and Ed appeared on the screen.

"She's really, really smart. She went to Cornell, in fact. She got in at 15. She's American too."

"Oh, so the American girl won you? So none of the brits were..."

"Not my type." Ed finished.

"Really, why not?"

"I don't know. I guess that... I think... I don't know. I just like her a lot more than I like other girls. She's a lovable girl and I really love that about her."


"So I have been thinking," Ed started. "I think that you are my one, and," Emily chuckled, sitting next to him with a beer in her hand. "I think that we need to go and... go." Ed chuckled now.

"'Go?'" Emily asked.

"Yeah. You and me. How about... Italy. Ooh, Rome!" Ed exclaimed, scooting closer to her.

"Um... I-I mean I guess, yeah!" Emily chuckled. "That sounds incredible, actually. I've honestly never been to Rome."

"Seriously?" Ed asked in confusion.

"Yeah. Totally." Emily chuckled. Ed smiled and kissed her temple before putting in her video recording from ten years ago.

There was Emily, young and cheerful. Ed grinned as he saw her smiling face.

"Emily!" Emily screamed to herself. "I love him! I had another dream last night!" Emily exclaimed. Ed chuckled.

"Oh, here I am again. Am I always your center of attention?" Ed asked Emily. She rolled her eyes at Ed.

"Possibly." Emily chirped. He chuckled again.

"Dude, I think you are the one! You don't even know me at all, but I was made for loving you. I think I'm... I think you're mine and I'm yours... I mean, we might be hopeless hearts just passing through, but we can't be just that. 

"It's a dangerous plan; planning on falling in love, but it's worth it. You're a stranger to me now, but I see your hand clutched in mine. In fact, I see my future in your eyes. You're beautiful, beautiful blue eyes. ANd I'm taking the chance to love you. Call me blind, if it even makes sense." Emily looked up. "If you're as smart as me, that makes sense." Ed laughed out loud and Emily snuggled closer to him.

Then, they saw Emily with a rather emotional face after a brief pause. "Just don't scar this young heart. Take my hand. I was made for loving you, even though we could just end up being hopeless hearts. Every bone is screaming 'I don't know what we should do!' But... I think I was made for being yours, crazy as it seems.

"Hold me close through the night and don't let me go. I promise we'll be alright. Touch my soul - yes, I have one even though I'm ginger - and hold it. Hold it tight. I've been waiting all my life and I know I'll have to wait for more... I hope you won't end up scaring my heart. Everyone besides Carl and Rosalie breaks it."

Then, Carl and Rosalie popped out of nowhere. "Break her heart and you're dead, ginger boy." Rosalie threatened. Ed laughed again, though young Emily as still emotional.

"But I was made for loving you." Carl and Rosalie were nodding in the background. "We might just be desperate... but why be in a relationship if you don't think they're the one, right? I mean, what would the point of being someone if you don't truly love them be? I love you. Truly. But I don't know what I should do. All I know is, darling; I was made for loving you." Emily sniffed.

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