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"Mmm, that smells good."

I turned away from the stove to see a half-asleep Niall standing in the archway.

"Why thank you kind sir. Now if you have a seat at the table, I shall serve you your breakfast."

I giggled at my dorkiness and shuffled the food onto our plates.

"Orange juice, milk, coffee, what would you like?"

"Umm, I'll take orange juice please."

Balancing the orange juice, a cup, my coffee, and two plates, I made my way over to the table. After taking a bite, Niall made what seemed like an orgasmic face.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, this is just a really good pancake. It's so fluffy."

"You'd be amazed by the amounts of things you learn in culinary class."

"You took it in high school?"

"Yeah, I took all 4 of them, plus introductions to other food related classes. I have a certificate of completion."


"What can I say, I love to cook."

"And I love to eat."

We both laughed and finished our breakfast.

"Do you think the boys would want the leftovers? There's plenty." 

I put the rest into plastic containers.

"Oh yeah. We can take it to them now if you want."

"Sure, just let me get my shoes."


Niall knocked on the door and we could hear the groans of the boys as they argued over who would answer.

"Aye, somebody open the door, I've got food."

The door swung open to reveal a shirtless Harry.

"Did you get any last nigh--" His eyes traveled to me standing off to the side. "Oh hey Aleena.."

I raised my eyebrows at him as he awkwardly scratched his neck.

"Good morning Harry. No he did not get anything last night, thanks for asking. Now if you excuse me, I'd like to dish out this food before it gets cold."

Niall stifled a laugh while Harry stepped to the side.

"Fiesty, I like that."

I turned around and shot daggers at Harry before making my way into the main room. I thought I heard Niall growl a "back off" at Harry, but I wasn't sure.

"Morning boys, want some breakfast?"

They all nodded their heads.

"Okay, one of you kind showing me the kitchen?"

"Yeah, cmon love." Louis said.

"I've got to warn you lads, her pancakes are to die for."

I rolled my eyes, a small smile on my face, and followed behind Louis.

"So, you and Niall, huh?"

"What? No. Can you hand me the plates please?"

"Oh come on, you were together all night." 

He handed me the plates with an exasperated look on his face.

"Thanks. We ate dinner and went to a movie. That's it."

"What movie?"

I sorted out the food onto four plates and blushed.



"That doesn't mean anything!"

"But you were together ALL night. 

"You guys wouldn't answer the door! Was I supposed to let him sleep outside?!"

"Mmhmm, that's the reason."

"Whatever. Here's your plate."

Louis chuckled behind me as I walked into the living room.

"Niall and Aleena sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G--"

"Really guys?"

They all looked at me and laughed, whereas Niall was silent and as red as a tomato.

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